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passmgmt(1m) [xfree86 man page]

passmgmt(1M)						  System Administration Commands					      passmgmt(1M)

passmgmt - password files management SYNOPSIS
passmgmt -a options name passmgmt -m options name passmgmt -d name DESCRIPTION
The passmgmt command updates information in the password files. This command works with both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. passmgmt -a adds an entry for user name to the password files. This command does not create any directory for the new user and the new login remains locked (with the string *LK* in the password field) until the passwd(1) command is executed to set the password. passmgmt -m modifies the entry for user name in the password files. The name field in the /etc/shadow entry and all the fields (except the password field) in the /etc/passwd entry can be modified by this command. Only fields entered on the command line will be modified. passmgmt -d deletes the entry for user name from the password files. It will not remove any files that the user owns on the system; they must be removed manually. passmgmt can be used only by the super-user. OPTIONS
-c comment A short description of the login, enclosed in quotes. It is limited to a maximum of 128 characters and defaults to an empty field. -e expire Specify the expiration date for a login. After this date, no user will be able to access this login. The expire option argument is a date entered using one of the date formats included in the template file /etc/datemsk. See getdate(3C). -f inactive The maximum number of days allowed between uses of a login ID before that ID is declared invalid. Normal values are posi- tive integers. A value of 0 defeats the status. -g gid GID of name. This number must range from 0 to the maximum non-negative value for the system. The default is 1. -h homedir Home directory of name. It is limited to a maximum of 256 characters and defaults to /usr/name. -K key=value Set a key=value pair. See user_attr(4), auth_attr(4), and prof_attr(4). The valid key=value pairs are defined in user_attr(4), but the "type" key is subject to the usermod(1M) and rolemod(1M) restrictions. Multiple key=value pairs may be added with multiple -K options. -k skel_dir A directory that contains skeleton information (such as .profile) that can be copied into a new user's home directory. This directory must already exist. The system provides the /etc/skel directory that can be used for this purpose. -l logname This option changes the name to logname. It is used only with the -m option. The total size of each login entry is limited to a maximum of 511 bytes in each of the password files. -o This option allows a UID to be non-unique. It is used only with the -u option. -s shell Login shell for name. It should be the full pathname of the program that will be executed when the user logs in. The maxi- mum size of shell is 256 characters. The default is for this field to be empty and to be interpreted as /usr/bin/sh. -u uid UID of the name. This number must range from 0 to the maximum non-negative value for the system. It defaults to the next available UID greater than 99. Without the -o option, it enforces the uniqueness of a UID. FILES
/etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/opasswd /etc/oshadow ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
passwd(1), rolemod(1M), useradd(1M), userdel(1M), usermod(1M), auth_attr(4), passwd(4), prof_attr(4), shadow(4), user_attr(4), attributes(5) EXIT STATUS
The passmgmt command exits with one of the following values: 0 Success. 1 Permission denied. 2 Invalid command syntax. Usage message of the passmgmt command is displayed. 3 Invalid argument provided to option. 4 UID in use. 5 Inconsistent password files (for example, name is in the /etc/passwd file and not in the /etc/shadow file, or vice versa). 6 Unexpected failure. Password files unchanged. 7 Unexpected failure. Password file(s) missing. 8 Password file(s) busy. Try again later. 9 name does not exist (if -m or -d is specified), already exists (if -a is specified), or logname already exists (if -m -l is speci- fied). NOTES
Do not use a colon (:) or RETURN as part of an argument. It is interpreted as a field separator in the password file. The passmgmt command will be removed in a future release. Its functionality has been replaced and enhanced by useradd, userdel, and usermod. These commands are currently available. This command only modifies password definitions in the local /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. If a network nameservice such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local files with additional entries, passmgmt cannot change information supplied by the network name- service. SunOS 5.10 9 Mar 2004 passmgmt(1M)
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