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debconf-escape(1) [xfree86 man page]

DEBCONF-ESCAPE(1)						      Debconf							 DEBCONF-ESCAPE(1)

debconf-escape - helper when working with debconf's escape capability SYNOPSIS
debconf-escape -e < unescaped-text debconf-escape -u < escaped-text DESCRIPTION
When debconf has the 'escape' capability set, it will expect commands you send it to have backslashes and newlines escaped (as "\" and " " respectively) and will in turn escape backslashes and newlines in its replies. This can be used, for example, to substitute multi-line strings into templates, or to get multi-line extended descriptions reliably using "METAGET". SEE ALSO
debconf-devel(7) (available in the debconf-doc package) AUTHOR
Colin Watson <> 2018-02-28 DEBCONF-ESCAPE(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DEBCONF(1)							      Debconf								DEBCONF(1)

debconf - run a debconf-using program SYNOPSIS
debconf [options] command [args] DESCRIPTION
Debconf is a configuration system for Debian packages. For a debconf overview and documentation for sysadmins, see debconf(7) (in the debconf-doc package). The debconf program runs a program under debconf's control, setting it up to talk with debconf on stdio. The program's output is expected to be debconf protocol commands, and it is expected to read result codes on stdin. See debconf-devel(7) for details about the debconf protocol. The command to be run under debconf must be specified in a way that will let your PATH find it. This command is not the usual way that debconf is used. It's more typical for debconf to be used via dpkg-preconfigure(8) or dpkg-reconfigure(8). OPTIONS
-opackage, --owner=package Tell debconf what package the command it is running is a part of. This is necessary to get ownership of registered questions right, and to support unregister and purge commands properly. -ftype, --frontend=type Select the frontend to use. -pvalue, --priority=value Specify the minimum priority of question that will be displayed. --terse Enables terse output mode. This affects only some frontends. EXAMPLES
To debug a shell script that uses debconf, you might use: DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer debconf my-shell-prog Or, you might use this: debconf --frontend=readline sh -x my-shell-prog SEE ALSO
debconf-devel(7), debconf(7) AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 2018-02-28 DEBCONF(1)
Man Page

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