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killall5(8) [x11r4 man page]

KILLALL5(8)						Linux System Administrator's Manual					       KILLALL5(8)

killall5 -- send a signal to all processes. SYNOPSIS
killall5 -signalnumber [-o omitpid[,omitpid..]] [-o omitpid[,omitpid..]..] DESCRIPTION
killall5 is the SystemV killall command. It sends a signal to all processes except kernel threads and the processes in its own session, so it won't kill the shell that is running the script it was called from. Its primary (only) use is in the rc scripts found in the /etc/init.d directory. OPTIONS
-o omitpid Tells killall5 to omit processes with that process id. NOTES
killall5 can also be invoked as pidof, which is simply a (symbolic) link to the killall5 program. EXIT STATUS
The program return zero if it killed processes. It return 2 if no process were killed, and 1 if it was unable to find any processes (/proc/ is missing). SEE ALSO
halt(8), reboot(8), pidof(8) AUTHOR
Miquel van Smoorenburg, 04 Nov 2003 KILLALL5(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

KILLALL5(8)						Linux System Administrator's Manual					       KILLALL5(8)

killall5 -- send a signal to all processes. SYNOPSIS
killall5 -signalnumber [-o omitpid[,omitpid..]] [-o omitpid[,omitpid..]..] DESCRIPTION
killall5 is the SystemV killall command. It sends a signal to all processes except kernel threads and the processes in its own session, so it won't kill the shell that is running the script it was called from. Its primary (only) use is in the rc scripts found in the /etc/init.d directory. OPTIONS
-o omitpid Tells killall5 to omit processes with that process id. NOTES
killall5 can also be invoked as pidof, which is simply a (symbolic) link to the killall5 program. EXIT STATUS
The program return zero if it killed processes. It return 2 if no process were killed, and 1 if it was unable to find any processes (/proc/ is missing). SEE ALSO
halt(8), reboot(8), pidof(8) AUTHOR
Miquel van Smoorenburg, 04 Nov 2003 KILLALL5(8)
Man Page

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