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whois.conf(5) [x11r4 man page]

WHOIS.CONF(5)							 Debian GNU/Linux						     WHOIS.CONF(5)

whois.conf - alternative WHOIS servers list for whois client SYNOPSIS
/etc/whois.conf DESCRIPTION
This file contains a list of WHOIS servers which can augment or override the built-in list of the client. It's a plain text file in ASCII encoding. Each line consists of two fields: a pattern to match WHOIS object identifier and a corresponding WHOIS server domain name. Fields are separated by non-empty sequence of space or a tabular characters. A line starting with a hash character is a free comment and it's not considered. The pattern is case-insensitive extended regular expression if whois client has been compiled with POSIX regular expressions support. Oth- erwise, simple case-insensitive suffix comparison against WHOIS object identifier is used. Internationalized domain names (IDN) must be specified in ascii-compatible encoding (ACE) format. EXAMPLE
.nz$ # Hangul Korean TLD .xn--3e0b707e$ # Private ASNs ^as645(1[2-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-4])$ FILES
/etc/whois.conf SEE ALSO
whois(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Petr Pisa <> and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or higher. Petr Pisa 9 April 2013 WHOIS.CONF(5)

Check Out this Related Man Page

WHOIS.CONF(5)							 Debian GNU/Linux						     WHOIS.CONF(5)

whois.conf - alternative WHOIS servers list for whois client SYNOPSIS
/etc/whois.conf DESCRIPTION
This file contains a list of WHOIS servers which can augment or override the built-in list of the client. It's a plain text file in ASCII encoding. Each line consists of two fields: a pattern to match WHOIS object identifier and a corresponding WHOIS server domain name. Fields are separated by non-empty sequence of space or a tabular characters. A line starting with a hash character is a free comment and it's not considered. The pattern is case-insensitive extended regular expression if whois client has been compiled with POSIX regular expressions support. Oth- erwise, simple case-insensitive suffix comparison against WHOIS object identifier is used. Internationalized domain names (IDN) must be specified in ascii-compatible encoding (ACE) format. EXAMPLE
.nz$ # Hangul Korean TLD .xn--3e0b707e$ # Private ASNs ^as645(1[2-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-4])$ FILES
/etc/whois.conf SEE ALSO
whois(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Petr Pisa <> and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or higher. Petr Pisa 9 April 2013 WHOIS.CONF(5)
Man Page

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