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xterror(3) [x11r4 man page]

XtError(3)						    XT COMPATIBILITY FUNCTIONS							XtError(3)

XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning - low-level error handlers SYNTAX
void XtError(String message); void XtSetErrorHandler(XtErrorHandler handler): void XtSetWarningHandler(XtErrorHandler handler); void XtWarning(String message); ARGUMENTS
message Specifies the nonfatal error message that is to be reported. handler Specifies the new fatal error procedure, which should not return, or the nonfatal error procedure, which usually returns. message Specifies the message that is to be reported. DESCRIPTION
The XtError function has been superceded by XtAppError. The XtSetErrorHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetErrorHandler. The XtSetWarningHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetWarningHandler. The XtWarning function has been superceded by XtAppWarning. SEE ALSO
XtAppError(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtError(3)

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XtError()																 XtError()

  XtError - call the low-level fatal error handler.

  void XtError(message)
	 String message;

  message   Specifies the message to be reported.

  XtError() terminates the application and does not return.

  XtError() has been superseded by XtAppError().

  XtError()  passes  its arguments to the installed low-level error handler.  On POSIX systems, the default handler is _XtDefaultError().  It
  prints the message to the stderr stream and calls exit().

  XtError() has been superseded by XtAppError(), which performs the same function on a per-application context basis.	XtError()  now	calls
  XtAppError()	passing the default application context created by XtInitialize().  Very few programs need multiple application contexts, and
  you can continue to use XtError() if you initialize your application with XtInitialize().  We recommend, however, that  you  use  XtAppIni-
  tialize(), XtAppError(), and the other XtApp*() application context specific functions.

  See XtAppError() for more information.

  XtError()  calls the "low-level" error handler.  It is better to use XtAppErrorMsg() which calls the "high-level" error handler.  The high-
  level handler looks up the error message in a resource database and so allows for customization and internationalization of error messages.

See Also
  XtErrorMsg(1), XtSetErrorHandler(1), XtSetWarningMsg(1), XtWarning(1), XtWarningMsg(1).

Xt - Error Handling															 XtError()
Man Page

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