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xgrabserver(3) [x11r4 man page]

XGrabServer(3)							  XLIB FUNCTIONS						    XGrabServer(3)

XGrabServer, XUngrabServer - grab the server SYNTAX
int XGrabServer(Display *display); int XUngrabServer(Display *display); ARGUMENTS
display Specifies the connection to the X server. DESCRIPTION
The XGrabServer function disables processing of requests and close downs on all other connections than the one this request arrived on. You should not grab the X server any more than is absolutely necessary. The XUngrabServer function restarts processing of requests and close downs on other connections. You should avoid grabbing the X server as much as possible. SEE ALSO
XGrabButton(3X11), XGrabKey(3X11), XGrabKeyboard(3X11), XGrabPointer(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XGrabServer(3)

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XGrabKey()																XGrabKey()

  XGrabKey - grab a key.

  XGrabKey(display, keycode, modifiers, grab_window, owner_events,
	    pointer_mode, keyboard_mode)
	Display *display;
	int keycode;
	unsigned int modifiers;
	Window grab_window;
	Bool owner_events;
	int pointer_mode, keyboard_mode;

  display   Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

  keycode   Specifies  the  keycode to be grabbed.  It may be a modifier key.  Specifying AnyKey is equivalent to issuing the request for all
	    key codes.

  modifiers Specifies a set of keymasks. This is a bitwise OR of one or more of the  following	symbols:  ShiftMask,  LockMask,  ControlMask,
	    Mod1Mask,  Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, Mod5Mask, or AnyModifier.	AnyModifier is equivalent to issuing the grab key request for
	    all possible modifier combinations (including no modifiers).  All specified modifiers do not need to have currently assigned key-

	    Specifies the window in which the specified key combination will initiate an active grab.

	    Specifies whether the grab window should receive all events (False) or whether the grabbing application should receive all events
	    normally (True).

	    Controls processing of pointer events during the grab.  Pass one of these constants:  GrabModeSync or GrabModeAsync.

	    Controls processing of keyboard events during the grab.  Pass one of these constants:  GrabModeSync or GrabModeAsync.

  XGrabKey() establishes a passive grab on the specified keys, such that when the specified key/modifier combination is pressed, the keyboard
  may  be  grabbed, and all keyboard events sent to this application.  More formally, once an XGrabKey() call has been issued on a particular
  key/button combination:

  o  IF the keyboard is not already actively grabbed,

  o  AND the specified key, which itself can be a modifier key, is logically pressed when the specified modifier keys are logically down,

  o  AND no other keys or modifier keys are logically down,

  o  AND EITHER the grab window is an ancestor of (or is) the focus window OR the grab window is a descendent of the focus  window  and  con-
     tains the pointer,

  o  AND a passive grab on the same key combination does not exist on any ancestor of the grab window,

  o  THEN  the	keyboard  is  actively	grabbed,  as for XGrabKeyboard(), the last keyboard grab time is set to the time at which the key was
     pressed (as transmitted in the KeyPress event), and the KeyPress event is reported.

  The active grab is terminated automatically when the specified key is released (independent of the state of the modifier keys).  The KeyRe-
  lease event which terminates the active grab is sent to the grabbing window.

  The pointer_mode and keyboard_mode control the processing of events during the grab.	If either is GrabModeSync, events for that device are
  not sent from the server to Xlib until XAllowEvents() is called to send the events.  If either is GrabModeAsync, events for that device are
  sent normally.

  For more information on grabbing, see Volume One, Chapter 9, The Keyboard and Pointer.

  BadAccess When  using AnyModifier or AnyKey and another client has grabbed any overlapping combinations.  In this case, no grabs are estab-
	    Another client has issued XGrabKey() for the same key combination in grab_window.

  BadValue  keycode	    is	       not	   in	      the	  range 	between 	min_keycode	    and 	 max_
	    keycode as returned by XDisplayKeycodes().


See Also
  XChangeActivePointerGrab(),  XGrabButton(),  XGrabKeyboard(),  XGrabPointer(),  XGrabServer(),  XUngrabButton(),  XUngrabKey(), XUngrabKey-
  board(), XUngrabPointer(), XUngrabServer().

Xlib - Grabbing 															XGrabKey()
Man Page