ultrix man page for xgrabkeyboard

Query: xgrabkeyboard

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Section: 3x11

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XGrabKeyboard(3X11)						     MIT X11R4						       XGrabKeyboard(3X11)

       XGrabKeyboard, XUngrabKeyboard - grab the keyboard

       int XGrabKeyboard(display, grab_window, owner_events, pointer_mode, keyboard_mode, time)
	  Display *display;
	  Window grab_window;
	  Bool owner_events;
	  int pointer_mode, keyboard_mode;
	  Time time;

       XUngrabKeyboard(display, time)
	  Display *display;
	  Time time;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

		 Specifies the grab window.

		 Specifies further processing of keyboard events.  You can pass or

		 Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the keyboard events are to be reported as usual.

		 Specifies further processing of pointer events.  You can pass or

       time	 Specifies the time.  You can pass either a timestamp or

       The function actively grabs control of the keyboard and generates and events.  Further key events are reported only to the grabbing client.
       overrides any active keyboard grab by this client.  If owner_events is all generated key events are reported with respect to grab_window.
       If owner_events is and if a generated key event would normally be reported to this client, it is reported normally; otherwise, the event is
       reported with respect to the grab_window.  Both and events are always reported, independent of any event selection made by the client.

       If the keyboard_mode argument is keyboard event processing continues as usual.  If the keyboard is currently frozen by this client, then
       processing of keyboard events is resumed.  If the keyboard_mode argument is the state of the keyboard (as seen by client applications)
       appears to freeze, and the X server generates no further keyboard events until the grabbing client issues a releasing call or until the
       keyboard grab is released.  Actual keyboard changes are not lost while the keyboard is frozen; they are simply queued in the server for
       later processing.

       If pointer_mode is pointer event processing is unaffected by activation of the grab.  If pointer_mode is the state of the pointer (as seen
       by client applications) appears to freeze, and the X server generates no further pointer events until the grabbing client issues a releas-
       ing call or until the keyboard grab is released.  Actual pointer changes are not lost while the pointer is frozen; they are simply queued
       in the server for later processing.

       If the keyboard is actively grabbed by some other client, fails and returns If grab_window is not viewable, it fails and returns If the
       keyboard is frozen by an active grab of another client, it fails and returns If the specified time is earlier than the last-keyboard-grab
       time or later than the current X server time, it fails and returns Otherwise, the last-keyboard-grab time is set to the specified time is
       replaced by the current X server time).

       can generate and errors.

       The function releases the keyboard and any queued events if this client has it actively grabbed from either or does not release the key-
       board and any queued events if the specified time is earlier than the last-keyboard-grab time or is later than the current X server time.
       It also generates and events.  The X server automatically performs an request if the event window for an active keyboard grab becomes not

       Some numeric value falls outside the range of values accepted by the request.
		 Unless a specific range is specified for an argument, the full range defined by the argument's type is accepted. Any argument
		 defined as a set of alternatives can generate this error.

       A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See Also
       XAllowEvents(3X11), XGrabButton(3X11), XGrabKey(3X11), XGrabPointer(3X11)
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys
