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wxcas(1) [x11r4 man page]

WXCAS(1)							  aMule utilities							  WXCAS(1)

wxcas - wx c aMule statistics SYNOPSIS
wxcas is a program for displaying the contents of your online signature file in a nice wx Window on your Desktop. For this to work, you must enable the "Online Signature" option in aMule's preferences. Based on Pedro de Oliveira's cas(1). wxcas was written by ThePolish <> This app doesn't take any arguments. REPORTING BUGS
Please report bugs either on our forum (, or in our bugtracker ( Please do not report bugs in e-mail, neither to our mailing list nor directly to any team member. COPYRIGHT
aMule and all of its related utilities are distributed under the GNU General Public License. SEE ALSO
amule(1), cas(1) AUTHOR
This manpage was written by Vollstrecker <> wxCas November 2011 WXCAS(1)

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CAS(1)                                                            aMule utilities                                                           CAS(1)

cas - c aMule statistics SYNOPSIS
cas [-o] [-p] [-c <path>] cas [-h] DESCRIPTION
cas is a program for displaying the contents of your aMule online signature file to console (in a human readable form). For this to work, you must enable the "Online Signature" option in aMule's preferences. [ -o, --picture, -P ] Writes the online signature picture. You can optionally append =<PATH> to this option, to specify the location it should be written to. [ -p, --html, -H ] HTML page with stats and picture. You can optionally append =<PATH> to this option, to specify the location it should be written to. [ -c <path>, --config-dir=<path> ] Read config from <path> instead of home [ -h, --help ] Prints a short usage description. Without any options, it prints online signature data to stdout. cas was written by Pedro de Oliveira <> FILES
~/.aMule/casrc stat.png tmp.html REPORTING BUGS
Please report bugs either on our forum (, or in our bugtracker ( Please do not report bugs in e-mail, neither to our mailing list nor directly to any team member. COPYRIGHT
aMule and all of its related utilities are distributed under the GNU General Public License. SEE ALSO
amule(1), wxcas(1) AUTHOR
This manpage was written by Vollstrecker <> cas v0.8 November 2011 CAS(1)
Man Page

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