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sccs-help(1) [x11r4 man page]

sccs-help(1)							   User Commands						      sccs-help(1)

sccs-help, help - ask for help regarding SCCS error or warning messages SYNOPSIS
/usr/ccs/bin/help [argument...] DESCRIPTION
The help utility retrieves information to further explain errors messages and warnings from SCCS commands. It also provides some informa- tion about SCCS command usage. If no arguments are given, help prompts for one. An argument may be a message number (which normally appears in parentheses following each SCCS error or warning message), or an SCCS com- mand name. help responds with an explanation of the message or a usage line for the command. When all else fails, try `/usr/ccs/bin/help stuck'. FILES
/usr/lib/help directory containing files of message text ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |Availability |SUNWsprot | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
sccs(1), sccs-admin(1), sccs-cdc(1), sccs-comb(1), sccs-delta(1), sccs-get(1), sccs-prs(1), sccs-prt(1), sccs-rmdel(1), sccs-sact(1), sccs- sccsdiff(1), sccs-unget(1), sccs-val(1), what(1), sccsfile(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 24 Feb 1998 sccs-help(1)

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sccs-rmdel(1)							   User Commands						     sccs-rmdel(1)

sccs-rmdel, rmdel - remove a delta from an SCCS file SYNOPSIS
/usr/ccs/bin/rmdel -rsid s.filename... DESCRIPTION
The rmdel utility removes the delta specified by the SCCS delta ID (SID) supplied with -r. The delta to be removed must be the most recent (leaf) delta in its branch. In addition, the SID must not be that of a version checked out for editing: it must not appear in any entry of the version lock file (p.file). If you created the delta, or, if you own the file and directory and have write permission, you can remove it with rmdel. If a directory name is used in place of the s.filename argument, the rmdel command applies to all s.files in that directory. Unreadable s.files produce an error; processing continues with the next file (if any). The use of `-' as the s.filename argument indicates that the names of files are to be read from the standard input, one s.file per line. OPTIONS
The following option is supported: -rsid Remove the version corresponding to the indicated SID (delta). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of rmdel: LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MES- SAGES, and NLSPATH. FILES
p.file permissions file s.file history file z.file temporary copy of the s.file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsprot | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
sccs(1), sccs-admin(1), sccs-cdc(1), sccs-comb(1), sccs-delta(1), sccs-help(1), sccs-prs(1), sccs-prt(1), sccs-sccsdiff(1), sccs-unget(1), what(1), sccsfile(4), attributes(5), environ(5), standards(5) DIAGNOSTICS
Use the SCCS help command for explanations (see sccs-help(1)). SunOS 5.10 1 Nov 1999 sccs-rmdel(1)
Man Page

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