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mbk_work_lib(1) [x11r4 man page]


MBK_WORK_LIB - define the mbk working directory SYNOPSYS
c-shell running setenv MBK_WORK_LIB unix path ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : DESCRIPTION
MBK_WORK_LIB sets the directory where are saved the results of an invocation of mbk or genlib. This directory is considered to be, from an mbk point of view, read and write. Also, when a file is searched for reading, the first directory to be looked at is the MBK_WORK_LIB, and then the one defined in MBK_CATA_LIB(1). The unix path argument must be a actually accessible path on your host machine. ERRORS
"mbk_fopen : can't open file 'unix_path/file.xx'" This occurs when either the unix path is irrelevent, or when the file doesn't exist if it is open for reading, or when you don't have the right on the file or directory while trying to write it. EXAMPLE
setenv MBK_WORK_LIB ~fred/crechan/uom SEE ALSO
mbk(3), genlib(1), MBK_CATA_LIB(1). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 MBK_WORK_LIB(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MBK_WORK_LIB(1)                                              MBK ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES                                             MBK_WORK_LIB(1)

MBK_WORK_LIB - define the mbk working directory SYNOPSYS
c-shell running setenv MBK_WORK_LIB unix path ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : DESCRIPTION
MBK_WORK_LIB sets the directory where are saved the results of an invocation of mbk or genlib. This directory is considered to be, from an mbk point of view, read and write. Also, when a file is searched for reading, the first directory to be looked at is the MBK_WORK_LIB, and then the one defined in MBK_CATA_LIB(1). The unix path argument must be a actually accessible path on your host machine. ERRORS
"mbk_fopen : can't open file 'unix_path/file.xx'" This occurs when either the unix path is irrelevent, or when the file doesn't exist if it is open for reading, or when you don't have the right on the file or directory while trying to write it. EXAMPLE
setenv MBK_WORK_LIB ~fred/crechan/uom SEE ALSO
mbk(3), genlib(1), MBK_CATA_LIB(1). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 MBK_WORK_LIB(1)
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