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ttt(6) [v7 man page]

TTT(6)								   Games Manual 							    TTT(6)

ttt, cubic - tic-tac-toe SYNOPSIS
/usr/games/ttt /usr/games/cubic DESCRIPTION
Ttt is the X and O game popular in the first grade. This is a learning program that never makes the same mistake twice. Although it learns, it learns slowly. It must lose nearly 80 games to completely know the game. Cubic plays three-dimensional tic-tac-toe on a 4x4x4 board. Moves are specified as a sequence of three coordinate numbers in the range 1-4. FILES
/usr/games/ttt.k learning file TTT(6)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DM(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						     DM(8)

dm -- dungeon master SYNOPSIS
ln -s dm game DESCRIPTION
dm is a program used to regulate game playing. dm expects to be invoked with the name of a game that a user wishes to play. This is done by creating symbolic links to dm, in the directory /usr/games for all of the regulated games. The actual binaries for these games should be placed in a ``hidden'' directory, /usr/games/hide, that may only be accessed by the dm program. dm determines if the requested game is available and, if so, runs it. The file /etc/dm.conf controls the conditions under which games may be run. The file /etc/nogames may be used to ``turn off'' game playing. If the file exists, no game playing is allowed; the contents of the file will be displayed to any user requesting a game. FILES
/etc/dm.conf configuration file /etc/nogames turns off game playing /usr/games/hide directory of ``real'' binaries /var/log/games.log game logging file SEE ALSO
dm.conf(5) HISTORY
The dm command appeared in 4.3BSD-Tahoe. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS
Two issues result from dm running the games setgid ``games''. First, all games that allow users to run UNIX commands should carefully set both the real and effective group ids immediately before executing those commands. Probably more important is that dm never be setgid any- thing but ``games'' so that compromising a game will result only in the user's ability to play games at will. Secondly, games which previ- ously had no reason to run setgid and which accessed user files may have to be modified. BSD
May 31, 1993 BSD
Man Page

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