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aio(3head) [v7 man page]

aio.h(3HEAD)							      Headers							      aio.h(3HEAD)

aio.h, aio - asynchronous input and output SYNOPSIS
#include <aio.h> DESCRIPTION
The <aio.h> header defines the aiocb structure which includes the following members: int aio_fildes file descriptor off_t aio_offset file offset volatile void* aio_buf location of buffer size_t aio_nbytes length of transfer int aio_reqprio request priority offset struct sigevent aio_sigevent signal number and value int aio_lio_opcode operation to be performed This header also includes the following constants: AIO_ALLDONE A return value indicating that none of the requested operations could be canceled since they are already complete. AIO_CANCELED A return value indicating that all requested operations have been canceled. AIO_NOTCANCELED A return value indicating that some of the requested operations could not be canceled since they are in progress. LIO_NOP A lio_listio(3RT) element operation option indicating that no transfer is requested. LIO_NOWAIT A lio_listio() synchronization operation indicating that the calling thread is to continue execution while the lio_listio() operation is being performed, and no notification is given when the operation is complete. LIO_READ A lio_listio() element operation option requesting a read. LIO_WAIT A lio_listio() synchronization operation indicating that the calling thread is to suspend until the lio_listio() operation is complete. LIO_WRITE A lio_listio() element operation option requesting a write. SEE ALSO
lseek(2), read(2), write(2), fsync(3C), libaio(3LIB), lio_listio(3RT) SunOS 5.10 10 Sep 2004 aio.h(3HEAD)

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aio.h(3HEAD)							      Headers							      aio.h(3HEAD)

aio.h, aio - asynchronous input and output SYNOPSIS
#include <aio.h> DESCRIPTION
The <aio.h> header defines the aiocb structure which includes the following members: int aio_fildes file descriptor off_t aio_offset file offset volatile void* aio_buf location of buffer size_t aio_nbytes length of transfer int aio_reqprio request priority offset struct sigevent aio_sigevent signal number and value int aio_lio_opcode operation to be performed This header also includes the following constants: AIO_ALLDONE A return value indicating that none of the requested operations could be canceled since they are already complete. AIO_CANCELED A return value indicating that all requested operations have been canceled. AIO_NOTCANCELED A return value indicating that some of the requested operations could not be canceled since they are in progress. LIO_NOP A lio_listio(3RT) element operation option indicating that no transfer is requested. LIO_NOWAIT A lio_listio() synchronization operation indicating that the calling thread is to continue execution while the lio_listio() operation is being performed, and no notification is given when the operation is complete. LIO_READ A lio_listio() element operation option requesting a read. LIO_WAIT A lio_listio() synchronization operation indicating that the calling thread is to suspend until the lio_listio() operation is complete. LIO_WRITE A lio_listio() element operation option requesting a write. SEE ALSO
lseek(2), read(2), write(2), fsync(3C), libaio(3LIB), lio_listio(3RT) SunOS 5.10 10 Sep 2004 aio.h(3HEAD)
Man Page

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