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close(2) [v7 man page]

CLOSE(2)							System Calls Manual							  CLOSE(2)

close - close a file SYNOPSIS
close(fildes) DESCRIPTION
Given a file descriptor such as returned from an open, creat, dup or pipe(2) call, close closes the associated file. A close of all files is automatic on exit, but since there is a limit on the number of open files per process, close is necessary for programs which deal with many files. Files are closed upon termination of a process, and certain file descriptors may be closed by exec(2) (see ioctl(2)). SEE ALSO
creat(2), open(2), pipe(2), exec(2), ioctl(2) DIAGNOSTICS
Zero is returned if a file is closed; -1 is returned for an unknown file descriptor. ASSEMBLER
(close = 6.) (file descriptor in r0) sys close CLOSE(2)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CLOSE(7)						  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation						  CLOSE(7)

CLOSE - close a cursor SYNOPSIS
CLOSE frees the resources associated with an open cursor. After the cursor is closed, no subsequent operations are allowed on it. A cursor should be closed when it is no longer needed. Every non-holdable open cursor is implicitly closed when a transaction is terminated by COMMIT or ROLLBACK. A holdable cursor is implicitly closed if the transaction that created it aborts via ROLLBACK. If the creating transaction successfully commits, the holdable cursor remains open until an explicit CLOSE is executed, or the client disconnects. PARAMETERS
name The name of an open cursor to close. ALL Close all open cursors. NOTES
PostgreSQL does not have an explicit OPEN cursor statement; a cursor is considered open when it is declared. Use the DECLARE(7) statement to declare a cursor. You can see all available cursors by querying the pg_cursors system view. If a cursor is closed after a savepoint which is later rolled back, the CLOSE is not rolled back; that is, the cursor remains closed. EXAMPLES
Close the cursor liahona: CLOSE liahona; COMPATIBILITY
CLOSE is fully conforming with the SQL standard. CLOSE ALL is a PostgreSQL extension. SEE ALSO
DECLARE(7), FETCH(7), MOVE(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 CLOSE(7)
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