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nm(1) [v7 man page]

NM(1)							      General Commands Manual							     NM(1)

nm - print name list SYNOPSIS
nm [ -gnopru ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION
Nm prints the name list (symbol table) of each object file in the argument list. If an argument is an archive, a listing for each object file in the archive will be produced. If no file is given, the symbols in `a.out' are listed. Each symbol name is preceded by its value (blanks if undefined) and one of the letters U (undefined), A (absolute), T (text segment sym- bol), D (data segment symbol), B (bss segment symbol), or C (common symbol). If the symbol is local (non-external) the type letter is in lower case. The output is sorted alphabetically. Options are: -g Print only global (external) symbols. -n Sort numerically rather than alphabetically. -o Prepend file or archive element name to each output line rather than only once. -p Don't sort; print in symbol-table order. -r Sort in reverse order. -u Print only undefined symbols. SEE ALSO
ar(1), ar(5), a.out(5) NM(1)

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NM(1)							      General Commands Manual							     NM(1)

nm - print name list SYNOPSIS
nm [-dgnopru] [file] ... OPTIONS
-d Print the offsets in decimal instead of in hex -g Print only external symbols -n Sort numerically rather than alphabetically -o Prepend file name to each line rather than only once -p Do not sort, print in symbol-table order -r Sort in reverse order -u Print only undefined symbols EXAMPLES
nm -n a.out # Print all symbols in numerical order nm -dg a.out # Print globals alphabetically in decimal DESCRIPTION
Nm prints the symbol table of executable files when it is available. If no file is given, the symbols in a.out are used. The format of the table is somewhat compatible with the one produced by asld when used with the -s option. The symbol table can be added with ast. Assembly language files do not have symbol tables. SEE ALSO
anm(1), asize(1), ar(1), size(1). NM(1)
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