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nfslogsum(8) [ultrix man page]

nfslogsum(8)							    Unsupported 						      nfslogsum(8)

       nfslogsum - summarize nfswatch log file

       /usr/etc/nfslogsum [ -n ] [ -v ] [ logfile ]

       The command summarizes log files produced by the program.  By default the log file is summarized; an alternate log file can be specified on
       the command line.

       Each log file can contain one or more log sessions, each indicated by a header which is printed when logging is turned on.   For  each  log
       session,  tallies  up  the  interval packet totals and prints out a one-page summary of the log session.  Total packets and percentages are
       tabulated for each category and displayed.

       -n     Tells to read only the first n entries in the log file.  This is useful for summarizing log files in cumulative ``chunks''.

       -v     Produces a ``verbose'' summary of the log file.  In addition to the summary information printed as described above, a summary of how
	      many  calls to each NFS procedure were made on each file system and individual file is printed.  This summary information is divided
	      into three sections of six columns each.	The columns are headed by the names of the NFS procedures;  these  are	described  briefly

	      Do nothing.  This procedure is provided to allow server response testing and timing.

	      Get  file  attributes  (for  example,  type,  mode, number of links, owner's uid, owner's gid, size, access, modification and change
	      times).  This procedure is used by the system call, as well as several others.

	      Set file attributes  (mode, owner's uid, owner's gid, size in bytes, access and modification times).  This procedure is used by sys-
	      tem calls such as

	      Get file system root.  This procedure is obsolete, and has been replaced by a MOUNT Protocol procedure.

       LOOKUP Look up file name.  This procedure is used to obtain an initial file handle for use in current and future requests on that file, and
	      is used by many different system calls.

	      Read from symbolic link.	This procedure is used by the readlink system call, and by the kernel.

       READ   Read data from file.  This procedure is used by the system call.

       WCACHE Write to cache.  Unused in the current NFS protocol revision.

       WRITE  Write data to file.  This procedure is used by the system call.

       CREATE Create file.  This procedure is used by the and system calls.

       REMOVE Remove file.  This procedure is used by the system call.

       RENAME Rename file.  This procedure is used by the rename system call.

       LINK   Create link to file.  This procedure is used by the system call.

	      Create symbolic link to file.  This procedure is used by the system call.

       MKDIR  Create directory.  This procedure is used by the system call.

       RMDIR  Remove directory.  This procedure is used by the system call.

	      Read entries from directory.  Generally only one READDIR call is needed per directory, since a variable number  of  entries  can	be

       STATFS Get file system attributes (transfer size, block size, blocks in use, blocks free).

       The  nfslogsum command is extremely sensitive to the format of the log file produced by The log file should not be edited or changed before
       feeding it to

See Also


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logger::appender(n)					 Object Oriented logging facility				       logger::appender(n)


logger::appender - Collection of predefined appenders for logger SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.2 package require logger::appender ?1.2? ::logger::appender::console -level level -service service ?options...? ::logger::appender::colorConsole -level level -service service ?options...? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a predefined set of logger templates. ::logger::appender::console -level level -service service ?options...? -level level Name of the level to fill in as "priority" in the log procedure. -service service Name of the service to fill in as "category" in the log procedure. -appenderArgs appenderArgs Any additional arguments for the log procedure in list form -conversionPattern conversionPattern The log pattern to use (see logger::utils::createLogProc for the allowed substitutions). -procName procName Explicitly set the name of the created procedure. -procNameVar procNameVar Name of the variable to set in the calling context. This variable will contain the name of the procedure. ::logger::appender::colorConsole -level level -service service ?options...? See ::logger::appender::colorConsole for a description of the applicable options. BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category logger of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation. KEYWORDS
appender, logger CATEGORY
Programming tools COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2005 Aamer Akhter <> log 1.2 logger::appender(n)
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