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krb.conf(5krb) [ultrix man page]

krb.conf(5krb)															    krb.conf(5krb)

       krb.conf - Kerberos configuration file


       The file contains configuration information describing the Kerberos realm and the Kerberos servers for each realm.

       The  first  line  of  the  file	contains  the  name  of  the realm for the local host. The following lines of the file indicate additional
       realm/host entries.  These lines can contain two parts. The first part is the realm name; the second part is the host  running  a  Kerberos
       server for that realm.

       The following example shows a Kerberos configuration file:

See Also


Check Out this Related Man Page

acl_check(3krb) 														   acl_check(3krb)

       acl_check - Access control list (ACL) library routines.

	cc <files> -lacl -l krb

	#include <krb.h>

	acl_canonicalize_principal (principal, buf)
	char	 *principal;
	char	 *buf;

	acl_check (acl_file, principal)
	char	  *acl_file;
	char	 *principal;

	acl_exact_match (acl_file, principal)
	char	 *acl_file;
	char	 *principal;

	acl_add (acl_file, principal)
	char	 *acl_file;
	char	 *principal;

	acl_delete (acl_file, principal)
	char	 *acl_file;
	char	 *principal;

	acl_initialize (acl_file, mode)
	char	 *acl_file;
	int	  mode;

	kname_parse (primary_name, instance_name,
			      realm_name, principal)
	char	 *primary_name;
	char	 *instance_name;
	char	 *realm_name;
	char	 *principal;

		The name of a principal.  Principal names consist of from one to three fields.	The first field must be included because it stores
		the primary name of the principal.  The second field is not always required.  It begins with a period (.), and stores the instance
		name of the principal.	The third field is not always required.  It begins with an "at" sign (@), and stores the realm name of the
		principal.  The principal name format can be expressed as:
		For example, all of the names below are legitimate principal names:

       buf	Pointer to the buffer that stores the canonical form of a principal name.  The canonical form is derived from the form of a  prin-
		cipal  name.   Like  a principal name, it includes a primary name in its first field.  Unlike a principal name, it must include an
		instance name as its next field even if the instance name is blank.  Also, unlike a principal name, it must contain a realm field.
		If  a  canonical  name	is derived from a principal name that has no realm field, the local realm returned by is used as the realm
		field in the canonical name.  Of the above examples, only the last two are in canonical form.

       acl_file The path name of the file in which the access control list (ACL) is stored.

       mode	If the ACL file, acl_file, does not currently exist when is called, the file acl_file, is created with	read,  write,  and  access
		mode bits set equal to mode.

		The primary name portion of principal, returned by ANAME_SZ bytes of storage space must be allocated for primary_name.

		The instance name of principal, returned by INST_SZ bytes of storage space must be allocated for instance_name.

		The realm name of principal, returned by REALM_SZ bytes of storage space must be allocated for realm_name.

       The routines of the library allow you to perform various administrative functions on an access control list (ACL). An ACL is a list of Ker-
       beros principals in which each principal is represented by a text string.  The routines of this library allow application programs to refer
       to named ACLs to test whether a principal is a member of an ACL, and to add or delete principals from the ACL file.

       The routines of the acl_check library are:

	      Stores  the  canonical form of the principal name pointed to by principal in the buffer pointed to by buf.  This buffer must contain
	      enough space to store a full canonical principal name (MAX_PRINCIPAL_SIZE characters).  No meaningful value is returned by

	      Verifies that the principal name, principal, appears in the ACL file, acl_file.  This routine returns a zero(0)	if  the  principal
	      does not appear in the ACL, or if there is an error condition.  If the principal is a member of the ACL, a one(1) is returned.  The
	      acl_check routine always canonicalizes a principal before trying to find it in the ACL.  will determine if there is an ACL entry	in
	      the acl_file which exactly matches principal, principal, or if principal matches an ACL entry which contains a wildcard.	A wildcard
	      appears in place of a field name in an ACL entry and is represented as an asterisk (*).  A wildcard in a field name of an ACL  entry
	      allows  the ACL entry to match a principal name that contains anything in that particular field.	For example, if there is an entry,
	      in the ACL, the principals, and would be included in the ACL.  The use of wildcards is limited, for they may be  used  in  only  the
	      three following configurations in an ACL file:

	      Verifies	that  principal name, principal, appears in the ACL file, This routine returns a zero(0) if the principal does not appear
	      in the ACL, or if any error occurs.  If the principal is a member of the ACL, returns a non-zero.  The routine does not canonicalize
	      a principal before the ACL checks are made, and it does not support wildcards.  Only an exact match is acceptable.  So, for example,
	      if there is an entry, in the ACL, only the principal would match the ACL entry.  This routine makes it easy to find ACL entries with

	      Adds  the principal name, principal, to the ACL file, acl_file.  This routine returns a zero(0) if it successfully adds the princi-
	      pal to the ACL.  Otherwise, if there was an internal error, or if the principal is already in the ACL, the routine  returns  a  non-
	      zero value.  The routine canonicalizes a principal, but treats wildcards literally.

	      Deletes  the principal, principal, from the ACL file, acl_file.  The routine returns a zero(0) if it successfully deletes the prin-
	      cipal from the ACL.  Otherwise, if there was an internal error or if the principal is not in the ACL, the acl_delete routine returns
	      a non-zero value.  The routine canonicalizes a principal, but treats wildcards literally.

	      Initializes the ACL file, acl_file.  If the named acl_file does not exist, acl_initialize creates one with the permissions specified
	      by the mode argument.  If the ACL exists, acl_initialize removes all previously stored principal members of the list.  This  routine
	      returns a zero(0) if successful or a nonzero if it fails.

	      parses the principal name, principal, and stores the primary name of the principal in principal_name, the instance name of the prin-
	      cipal in instance_name, and the realm name of the principal in realm_name.  returns KNAME_FMT if the principal name  is  incorrectly
	      formatted or if it is too long to be a principal name.  It returns KSUCCESS if the parsing of the principal name succeeded.

See Also
       kerberos(3krb), krb_get_lrealm(3krb)

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