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spanish(5) [ultrix man page]

WORDS(5)                                                     Linux Programmers Manual                                                     WORDS(5)

spanish - a list of spanish words DESCRIPTION
/usr/share/dict/spanish is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line. AUTHOR
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors. FILES
/etc/dictionaries-common/words This is a link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words This is linked to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, it exists for software compatibility. The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the ISO 8859 character set encoding. SEE ALSO
ispell(1). History The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources. Linux 4 June 1994 WORDS(5)

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WORDS(5)						     Linux Programmers Manual							  WORDS(5)

galician-minimos - a list of Galician words, using the "minimos" standard DESCRIPTION
/usr/share/dict/galician-minimos is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line. FILES
/etc/dictionaries-common/words is a symbolic link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See select-default- wordlist(8) for more information. The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the ISO 8859-1 character set encoding. SEE ALSO
ispell(1), select-default-wordlist(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. HISTORY
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources. The system word list used to be /usr/dict/words. For compatibility, software should check that location if /usr/share/dict/words does not exist. AUTHOR
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors. Linux 14 Oct 2002 WORDS(5)
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