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autoconf(4) [ultrix man page]

autoconf(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						       autoconf(4)

       autoconf - diagnostics from the autoconfiguration code

       When  ULTRIX  bootstraps,  it  probes the machine it is running on and locates controllers, drives, and other devices, printing out what it
       finds on the console.  This procedure is driven by a system configuration table, which is processed by and compiled into each kernel.

       cpu%d ( version %f, implementation %d )
       A cpu is present.

       fpu%d ( version %f, implementation %d )
       An fpu is present.

       pm%d at ibus%d
       A monochrome or color graphics device is present.

       cfb%d at ibus%d
       A color graphic device is present.

       dc%d at ibus%d
       A serial line controller is present.

       sii%d at ibus%d
       An SCSI sii controller is present.

       asc%d at ibus%d
       An SCSI asc controller is present.

       rz%d at sii%d/asc%d slave %d ( RZ%d )
       An SCSI disk device is present.

       tz%d at sii%d/asc%d slave %d ( TK%d )
       An SCSI tape device is present.

       ln%d at ibus%d
       An Ethernet interface is present.

See Also
       intro(4), config(8)

								       RISC							       autoconf(4)

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ibus-table-createdb - create ibus-table database from table source SYNOPSIS
ibus-table-createdb [ [ -n name ] [ --name name ] ] [ [ -s source ] [ --source source ] ] [ [ -e extra ] [ --extra extra ] ] [ [ -p pinyin ] [ --pinyin pinyin ] ] [ -o ] [ --no-create-index ] [ -i ] [ --create-index-only ] [ -d ] [ --debug ] DESCRIPTION
ibus-table-createdb creates a database for ibus-table from a source table. OPTIONS
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. -n database-file specifies the file name for the binary database for the IME. The default is ''. If the file name of the database is not specified, the file name of the source file before the first '.' will be appended with '.db' and that will be used as the file name of the database. -s source-file specifies the file which contains the source of the IME. The default is ''. -e extra-words-file specifies the file name for the extra words for the IME. The default is ''. -p pinyin-file specifies the source file for the pinyin. The default is '/usr/share/ibus-table/data/pinyin_table.txt.bz2'. -o Do not create an index for a database (Only for distribution purposes, a normal user should not use this flag!) -i Only create an index for an existing database. Specifying the file name of the binary database with the -n or --name option is required when this option is used. -d Print extra debug messages. EXAMPLES
ibus-table-createdb -n ipa-x-sampa.db -s ipa-x-sampa.txt Create the binary database ``ipa-x-sampa.db'' from the source file ``ipa-x-sampa.txt''. ibus-table-createdb -i -n ipa-x-sampa.db Create an index for the database ``ipa-x-sampa.db''. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Mike FABIAN <>. Apr 18, 2013 IBUS-TABLE-CREATEDB(1)
Man Page

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