ultrix man page for rz

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rz(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     rz(4)

       rz - SCSI disk interface

       VAX NCR 5380:
	 adapter      uba0    at nexus?
	 controller   scsi0   at uba0	 csr 0x200c0080  vector szintr
	 disk	      rz0     at scsi0	 drive 0

       VAX DEC SII:
	 adapter      ibus0   at nexus?
	 controller   sii0    at ibus?	 vector sii_intr
	 disk	      rz0     at sii0	 drive 0

       RISC DEC SII:
	 adapter      ibus0   at nexus?
	 controller   sii0    at ibus?	 vector sii_intr
	 disk	      rz0     at sii0	 drive 0

       RISC DEC KZQ:
	 adapter      uba0    at nexus?
	 controller   kzq0    at ibus? csr 0761300vector sii_intr
	 disk	      rz0     at kzq0	 drive 0

       RISC NCR ASC:
	 adapter      ibus0   at nexus?
	 controller   asc0    at ibus?	 vector ascintr
	 disk	      rz0     at asc0	 drive 0

       The driver is for all Digital SCSI disk drives.

       The  following  rules  are  used to determine the major and minor numbers that are associated with an type disk.  There is one major number
       used to represent disks.  The major number represents 32 disks.	The minor number is used to represent the both the SCSI  unit  number  and
       partition.   A disk partition refers to a designated portion of the physical disk.  To accomplish this, the 8-bit minor number is broken up
       into two parts.	The low three bits of the minor number specify a disk partition.  These three bits allow for the naming  of  eight  parti-
       tions.	The  partitions  have  a letter, a through h, as their name.  The upper five bits of the minor number specify the SCSI unit number
       within a group of 32 disks.

       The device special file names associated with disks are based on the following conventions.  These conventions are closely associated  with
       the minor number assigned to the disk.  The standard device names begin with for the block special file and for the raw (character) special
       file.  Following the is the logical unit number and then a letter, a through h, to represent  the  partition.   Throughout  this  reference
       page,  the question mark (?)  character represents the logical unit number in the name of the device special file.  For example, rz?b could
       represent rz0b, rz1b, and so on.

       The following examples illustrate how the SCSI unit number is calculated given the major and minor number of an disk.  For the device  spe-
       cial file rrz6a, the major number is 56 and the minor number is 48.  The partition is represented by the lower three bits of the number 48.
       The lower three bits are 0, which specifies the ``a'' partition.  The upper five bits of 48 specify the number 6.  The major number is  56.
       Because	56  is the base major number, it represents the group of 32 disks.  Putting all these pieces together reveals that the major/minor
       pair 56/48 refers to the ``a'' partition of SCSI unit 6.

       The disk can be accessed through either the block special file or the character special file.  The block special  file  accesses  the  disk
       using the file system's normal buffering mechanism.  Reads and writes to the block special file can specify any size.  This avoids the need
       to limit data transfers to the size of physical disk records and to calculate offsets within disk records.  The file system  can  break	up
       large read and write requests into smaller fixed size transfers to the disk.

       The  character special file provides a raw interface that allows for direct transmission between the disk and the user's read or write buf-
       fer.  In contrast to the block special file, reads and writes to the raw interface must be done on full sectors only.  For this reason,	in
       raw I/O, counts must be a multiple of 512 bytes (a disk sector).  In the same manner, calls must specify a multiple of 512 bytes.  A single
       read or write to the raw interface results in exactly one I/O operation.  Consequently raw I/O may be considerably more efficient for large
       transfers.  Multiply buffered I/O operations are possible to any raw SCSI device. (See for more information.)

       For systems with SCSI disks, the first boot of the ULTRIX software after the system is powered on may take longer than expected. This delay
       is normal and is caused by the software spinning up the SCSI disk drives.

   Disk Support
       This driver handles all disk drives that can be connected to the SCSI bus.  Consult the ULTRIX Software Product	Description  to  determine
       which drives are supported for which CPU types and hardware configurations.

       The  starting  location	and length (in 512 byte sectors) of the disk partitions of each drive are shown in the following table.  Partition
       sizes can be changed by For further information, see

       RZ22 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	69664
	    rz?c      0 	102431
	    rz?d      0 	0
	    rz?e      0 	0
	    rz?f      0 	0
	    rz?g      0 	0
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RZ23 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	66690
	    rz?c      0 	204864
	    rz?d      99458	35135
	    rz?e      134593	35135
	    rz?f      169728	35136
	    rz?g      99458	105406
	    rz?h      134593	70271

       RZ23L partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	66690
	    rz?c      0 	237588
	    rz?d      99458	35135
	    rz?e      134593	35135
	    rz?f      169728	67860
	    rz?g      99458	138130
	    rz?h      134593	102995

       RZ24 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	131072
	    rz?c      0 	409792
	    rz?d      163840	81984
	    rz?e      245824	81984
	    rz?f      327808	81984
	    rz?g      163840	245952
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RZ55 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	131072
	    rz?c      0 	649040
	    rz?d      163840	152446
	    rz?e      316286	152446
	    rz?f      468732	180308
	    rz?g      163840	485200
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RZ56 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	131072
	    rz?c      0 	1299174
	    rz?d      163840	292530
	    rz?e      456370	292530
	    rz?f      748900	550273
	    rz?g      163840	1135334
	    rz?h      731506	567668

       RZ57 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	32768
	    rz?b      32768	184320
	    rz?c      0 	2025788
	    rz?d      831488	299008
	    rz?e      1130496	299008
	    rz?f      1429504	596284
	    rz?g      217088	614400
	    rz?h      831488	1194300

       RRD40/RRD42 (read only) partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	(size varies per CD)
	    rz?b      0 	0
	    rz?c      0 	(size varies per CD)
	    rz?d      0 	0
	    rz?e      0 	0
	    rz?f      0 	0
	    rz?g      0 	0
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RX23 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	2879
	    rz?b      0 	0
	    rz?c      0 	2879
	    rz?d      0 	0
	    rz?e      0 	0
	    rz?f      0 	0
	    rz?g      0 	0
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RX26 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	5759
	    rz?b      0 	0
	    rz?c      0 	5759
	    rz?d      0 	0
	    rz?e      0 	0
	    rz?f      0 	0
	    rz?g      0 	0
	    rz?h      0 	0

       RX33 partitions
	    disk      start	length

	    rz?a      0 	2400
	    rz?b      0 	0
	    rz?c      0 	2400
	    rz?d      0 	0
	    rz?e      0 	0
	    rz?f      0 	0
	    rz?g      0 	0
	    rz?h      0 	0

       Usually, the rz?a partition is used for the root file system and the rz?b partition as a paging area.  The rz?c partition is used for disk-
       to-disk copying because it maps the entire disk.

See Also
       nbuf(4), dkio(4), SCSI(4), chpt(8), MAKEDEV(8), uerf(8)
