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t_close(3xti) [ultrix man page]

t_close(3xti)															     t_close(3xti)

       t_close - close a transport endpoint

       #include <xti.h>

       int t_close fd)
       int fd;

       fd	 Identifies the local transport endpoint.

       The  function  informs  the  transport  provider  that the user is finished with the transport endpoint specified by fd and frees any local
       library resources associated with the endpoint. In addition, closes the file associated with the transport endpoint.

       The function should be called from the T_UNBND state. However, this function does not check state information, so it can be called from any
       state  to  close a transport endpoint. If this occurs, the local library resources associated with the endpoint are freed automatically. In
       addition, is issued for that file descriptor; the abortives if there are no other descriptors in this or in another process that references
       the transport endpoint and breaks the transport connection that may be associated with that endpoint.

       Parameters   Before Call   After Call
       fd	    x		  /

Return Values
       The returns 0 on success and -1 on failure, and t_errno is set to indicate the error.

       On failure, t_errno is set to the following:

       The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint.

See Also
       t_getstate(3xti), t_open(3xti), t_unbind(3xti)


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t_close(3)						     Library Functions Manual							t_close(3)

t_close() - close a transport endpoint SYNOPSIS
The function informs the transport provider that the user is finished with the transport endpoint specified by fd, and frees any local library resources associated with the endpoint. also closes the file descriptor associated with the transport endpoint. should be called from the state (see t_getstate(3)). However, this function does not check state information, so it may be called from any state to close a transport endpoint. If this occurs, the local library resources associated with the endpoint will be freed automatically. will also be issued for that file descriptor. The close will be abortive if no other process has that file open and will break any trans- port connection that may be associated with that endpoint. Valid States All - apart from Fork Safety is not fork-safe. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
[TBADF] The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint. [TPROTO] (XTI only) This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is no suitable XTI ( SEE ALSO
t_getstate(3), t_open(3), t_unbind(3), thread_safety(5). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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