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xgetwmclientmachine(3x11) [ultrix man page]

XSetWMClientMachine(3X11)					     MIT X11R4						 XSetWMClientMachine(3X11)

       XSetWMClientMachine, XGetWMClientMachine - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property

       void XSetWMClientMachine(display, w, text_prop)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  XTextProperty *text_prop;

       Status XGetWMClientMachine(display, w, text_prop_return)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  XTextProperty *text_prop_return;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       text_prop Specifies the structure to be used.

		 Returns the structure.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       The convenience function performs a on the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property.  Note that you also can set the client machine property by using

       The convenience function performs an on the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property.	Note that you also can read the client machine property by using

		 The string name of the machine on which the client application is running.

See Also
       XAllocClassHint(3X11), XAllocIconSize(3X11), XAllocSizeHints(3X11), XAllocWMHints(3X11), XSetCommand(3X11), XSetTransientForHint(3X11),
       XSetTextProperty(3X11), XSetWMColormapWindows(3X11), XSetWMIconName(3X11), XSetWMName(3X11), XSetWMProperties(3X11), XSetWMProtocols(3X11),
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys


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XSetWMIconName(3X11)						     MIT X11R4						      XSetWMIconName(3X11)

       XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property

       void XSetWMIconName(display, w, text_prop)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  XTextProperty *text_prop;

       Status XGetWMIconName(display, w, text_prop_return)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  XTextProperty *text_prop_return;

       XSetIconName(display, w, icon_name)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  char *icon_name;

       Status XGetIconName(display, w, icon_name_return)
	  Display *display;
	  Window w;
	  char **icon_name_return;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       icon_name Specifies the icon name, which should be a null-terminated string.

		 Returns a pointer to the window's icon name, which is a null-terminated string.

       text_prop Specifies the structure to be used.

		 Returns the structure.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       The convenience function performs a on the WM_ICON_NAME property.

       The convenience function performs an on the WM_ICON_NAME property.

       The function sets the name to be displayed in a window's icon.

       can generate and errors.

       The function returns the name to be displayed in the specified window's icon.  If it succeeds, it returns nonzero; otherwise, if no icon
       name has been set for the window, it returns zero.  If you never assigned a name to the window, sets icon_name_return to NULL.  When fin-
       ished with it, a client must free the icon name string using

       can generate a error.

		 Name to be used in icon.

       The server failed to allocate the requested resource or server memory.

       A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See Also
       XAllocClassHint(3X11), XAllocIconSize(3X11), XAllocSizeHints(3X11), XAllocWMHints(3X11), XFree(3X11), XSetCommand(3X11), XSetTransient-
       ForHint(3X11), XSetTextProperty(3X11), XSetWMClientMachine(3X11), XSetWMColormapWindows(3X11), XSetWMName(3X11), XSetWMProperties(3X11),
       XSetWMProtocols(3X11), XStringListToTextProperty(3X11)
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys

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