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xgetnormalhints(3x11) [ultrix man page]

XSetNormalHints(3X11)													     XSetNormalHints(3X11)

       XSetNormalHints, XGetNormalHints - set or get normal state hints

       XSetNormalHints(display, w, hints)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     XSizeHints *hints;

       Status XGetNormalHints(display, w, hints_return)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     XSizeHints *hints_return;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       hints	 Specifies a pointer to the size hints for the window in its normal state.

		 Returns the size hints for the window in its normal state.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       The function sets the size hints structure for the specified window.  Applications use to inform the window manager of the size or position
       desirable for that window.  In addition, an application that wants to move or resize itself should call and specify its new  desired  loca-
       tion  and  size	as  well  as  making direct Xlib calls to move or resize.  This is because window managers may ignore redirected configure
       requests, but they pay attention to property changes.

       To set size hints, an application not only must assign values to the appropriate members in the hints structure but also must set the flags
       member of the structure to indicate which information is present and where it came from.  A call to is meaningless, unless the flags member
       is set to indicate which members of the structure have been assigned values.

       can generate and errors.

       The function returns the size hints for a window in its normal state.  It returns a nonzero status if it succeeds or zero if  the  applica-
       tion specified no normal size hints for this window.

       can generate a error.


       The server failed to allocate the requested resource or server memory.

       A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See Also
       XSetCommand(3X11), XSetIconName(3X11), XSetIconSizeHints(3X11), XSetSizeHints(3X11), XSetStandardProperties(3X11), XSetWMHints(3X11), XSet-
       ZoomHints(3X11), XStoreName(3X11)
       Guide to the Xlib Library


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XSetNormalHints()														 XSetNormalHints()

  XSetNormalHints - set the size hints property of a window in normal state (not zoomed or iconified).

  void XSetNormalHints(display, w, hints)
	Display *display;
	Window w;
	XSizeHints *hints;

  display   Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

  w	    Specifies the window ID.

  hints     Specifies a pointer to the sizing hints for the window in its normal state.

  XSetNormalHints() has been superseded by XSetWMNormalHints() as of Release 4.

  XSetNormalHints()  sets  the XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS property for the specified window.  Applications use XSetNormalHints() to inform the window
  manager of the size or position desirable for that window.  In addition, an application wanting to move or resize itself should call	XSet-
  NormalHints()  specifying  its new desired location and size, in addition to making direct X calls to move or resize.  This is because some
  window managers may redirect window configuration requests, but ignore the resulting events and pay attention to property changes instead.

  To set size hints, an application must assign values to the appropriate elements in the hints structure, and also set the  flags  field  of
  the  structure  to  indicate which members have assigned values and the source of the assignment.  These flags are listed in the Structures
  section below.

  For more information on using hints, see Volume One, Chapter 12, Interclient Communication.

     typedef struct {
	 long flags;	/* which fields in structure are defined */
	 int x, y;
	 int width, height;
	 int min_width, min_height;
	 int max_width, max_height;
	 int width_inc, height_inc;
	 struct {
	      int x;	/* numerator */
	      int y;	/* denominator */
	 } min_aspect, max_aspect;
	 int base_width, base_height;
	 int win_gravity;
     } XSizeHints;	/* new fields in R4 here */

     #define USPosition    (1L << 0)	/* user specified x, y */
     #define USSize	   (1L << 1)	/* user specified width, height */

     #define PPosition	   (1L << 2)	/* program specified position */
     #define PSize	   (1L << 3)	/* program specified size */
     #define PMinSize	   (1L << 4)	/* program specified minimum size */
     #define PMaxSize	   (1L << 5)	/* program specified maximum size */
     #define PResizeInc    (1L << 6)	/* program specified resize increments */
     #define PAspect	   (1L << 7)	/* program specified min/max aspect ratios */
     #define PBaseSize	   (1L << 8)
     #define PWinGravity   (1L << 9)
     #define PAllHints (PPosition PSize PMinSize PMaxSize PResizeInc PAspect)


See Also
  XFetchName(), XGetClassHint(), XGetIconName(), XGetIconSizes(), XGetNormalHints(), XGetSizeHints(), XGetTransientForHint(),  XGetWMHints(),
  XGetZoomHints(),  XSetClassHint(),  XSetCommand(), XSetIconName(), XSetIconSizes(), XSetSizeHints(), XSetTransientForHint(), XSetWMHints(),
  XSetZoomHints(), XStoreName().

Xlib - Window Manager Hints													 XSetNormalHints()
Man Page