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xfocuschangeevent(3x11) [ultrix man page]

XFocusChangeEvent(3X11) 					     MIT X11R4						   XFocusChangeEvent(3X11)

       XFocusChangeEvent - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure

       The structure for and events contains:

       typedef struct {
	 int type;		/* FocusIn or FocusOut */
	 unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed
				    by server */
	 Bool send_event;	/* true if came from a SendEvent
				    request */
	 Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	 Window window; 	/* window of event */
	 int mode;		/* NotifyNormal,NotifyGrab,
				    NotifyUngrab */
	 int detail;		/* NotifyAncestor,NotifyVirtual,
				    NotifyPointerRoot,NotifyDetailNone */
       } XFocusChangeEvent;
       typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;
       typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent;

       When you receive these events, the structure members are set as follows.

       The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.  For example, when the X server reports a event to a
       client application, it sends an structure with the type member set to The display member is set to a pointer to the display the event was
       read on.  The send_event member is set to if the event came from a protocol request.  The serial member is set from the serial number
       reported in the protocol but expanded from the 16-bit least-significant bits to a full 32-bit value.  The window member is set to the win-
       dow that is most useful to toolkit dispatchers.

       The window member is set to the window on which the or event was generated.  This is the window used by the X server to report the event.
       The mode member is set to indicate whether the focus events are normal focus events, focus events while grabbed, focus events when a grab
       activates, or focus events when a grab deactivates.  The X server can set the mode member to or

       All events caused by a window unmap are generated after any event; however, the X protocol does not constrain the ordering of events with
       respect to generated and events.

       Depending on the event mode, the detail member is set to indicate the notify detail and can be or

See Also
       XAnyEvent(3X11), XButtonEvent(3X11), XCreateWindowEvent(3X11), XCirculateEvent(3X11), XCirculateRequestEvent(3X11), XColormapEvent(3X11),
       XConfigureEvent(3X11), XConfigureRequestEvent(3X11), XCrossingEvent(3X11), XDestroyWindowEvent(3X11), XErrorEvent(3X11), XEx-
       poseEvent(3X11), XGraphicsExposeEvent(3X11), XGravityEvent(3X11), XKeymapEvent(3X11), XMapEvent(3X11), XMapRequestEvent(3X11), XProper-
       tyEvent(3X11), XReparentEvent(3X11), XResizeRequestEvent(3X11), XSelectionClearEvent(3X11), XSelectionEvent(3X11), XSelectionRe-
       questEvent(3X11), XUnmapEvent(3X11), XVisibilityEvent(3X11)
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys


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XGravityEvent(3X11)						     MIT X11R4						       XGravityEvent(3X11)

       XGravityEvent - GravityNotify event structure

       The structure for events contains:

       typedef struct {
	 int type;		/* GravityNotify */
	 unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by
				    server */
	 Bool send_event;	/* true if came from a SendEvent
				    request */
	 Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	 Window event;
	 Window window;
	 int x, y;
       } XGravityEvent;

       When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.

       The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.  For example, when the X server reports a event to a
       client application, it sends an structure with the type member set to The display member is set to a pointer to the display the event was
       read on.  The send_event member is set to if the event came from a protocol request.  The serial member is set from the serial number
       reported in the protocol but expanded from the 16-bit least-significant bits to a full 32-bit value.  The window member is set to the win-
       dow that is most useful to toolkit dispatchers.

       The event member is set either to the window that was moved or to its parent, depending on whether or was selected.  The window member is
       set to the child window that was moved.	The x and y members are set to the coordinates relative to the new parent window's origin and
       indicate the position of the upper-left outside corner of the window.

See Also
       XAnyEvent(3X11), XButtonEvent(3X11), XCreateWindowEvent(3X11), XCirculateEvent(3X11), XCirculateRequestEvent(3X11), XColormapEvent(3X11),
       XConfigureEvent(3X11), XConfigureRequestEvent(3X11), XCrossingEvent(3X11), XDestroyWindowEvent(3X11), XErrorEvent(3X11), XEx-
       poseEvent(3X11), XFocusChangeEvent(3X11), XGraphicsExposeEvent(3X11), XKeymapEvent(3X11), XMapEvent(3X11), XMapRequestEvent(3X11), XProper-
       tyEvent(3X11), XReparentEvent(3X11), XResizeRequestEvent(3X11), XSelectionClearEvent(3X11), XSelectionEvent(3X11), XSelectionRe-
       questEvent(3X11), XUnmapEvent(3X11), XVisibilityEvent(3X11)
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys

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