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scf_entry_create(3scf) [ultrix man page]

scf_entry_create(3SCF)				 Service Configuration Facility Library Functions			    scf_entry_create(3SCF)

scf_entry_create, scf_entry_handle, scf_entry_destroy, scf_entry_destroy_children, scf_entry_reset, scf_entry_add_value - create and manip- ulate transaction in the Service Configuration Facility SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lscf [ library... ] #include <libscf.h> scf_transaction_entry_t *scf_entry_create(scf_handle_t *handle); scf_handle_t *scf_entry_handle(scf_transaction_entry_t *entry); void scf_entry_destroy(scf_transaction_entry_t *entry); void scf_entry_destroy_children(scf_transaction_entry_t *entry); void scf_entry_reset(scf_transaction_entry_t *entry); int scf_entry_add_value(scf_transaction_entry_t *entry, scf_value_t *value); DESCRIPTION
The scf_entry_create() function allocates a new transaction entry handle. The scf_entry_destroy() function destroys the transaction entry handle. The scf_entry_handle() function retrieves the handle associated with entry. A transaction entry represents a single action on a property in a property group. If an entry is added to a transaction using scf_transac- tion_property_new(3SCF), scf_transaction_property_change(3SCF), or scf_transaction_property_change_type(3SCF), scf_entry_add_value() can be called zero or more times to set up the set of values for that property. Each value must be set and of a compatible type to the type asso- ciated with the entry. When later retrieved from the property, the values will have the type of the entry. The scf_entry_reset() function resets a transaction entry, disassociating it from any transaction it is a part of (invalidating the trans- action in the process), and disassociating any values that were added to it. The scf_entry_destroy_children() function destroys all values associated with the transaction entry. The entry itself is not destroyed. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, scf_entry_create() returns a new scf_transaction_entry_t. Otherwise, it returns NULL. Upon successful completion, scf_entry_handle() returns the handle associated with the transaction entry. Otherwise, it returns NULL. Upon successful completion, scf_entry_add_value() returns 0. Otherwise, it returns -1. ERRORS
The scf_entry_create() function will fail if: SCF_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT The handle argument is NULL. SCF_ERROR_NO_MEMORY There is not enough memory to allocate an scf_transaction_entry_t. The scf_entry_handle() function will fail if: SCF_ERROR_HANDLE_DESTROYED The handle associated with entry has been destroyed. The scf_entry_add_value() function will fail if: SCF_ERROR_NOT_SET The transaction entry is not associated with a transaction. SCF_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT The value argument is not set, or the entry was added to the transaction using scf_transaction_property_delete(3SCF). SCF_ERROR_HANDLE_MISMATCH The value and entry arguments are not derived from the same handle. SCF_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH The type of the value argument does not match the type that was set using scf_transaction_property_new(), scf_transaction_prop- erty_change(), or scf_transaction_property_change_type(). The scf_error(3SCF) function can be used to retrieve the error value. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
libscf(3LIB), scf_error(3SCF), scf_transaction_property_change(3SCF), scf_transaction_property_change_type(3SCF), scf_transaction_prop- erty_delete(3SCF), scf_transaction_property_new(3SCF), scf_transaction_reset(3SCF), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 9 Sep 2004 scf_entry_create(3SCF)
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