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xvungrabport(3) [ultrix man page]

XvUngrabPort(3) 						  libXv Functions						   XvUngrabPort(3)

XvUngrabPort - release port grabbed for video operation SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h> int XvUngrabPort(Display *dpy, XvPortID port, Time time); ARGUMENTS
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server. port Specifies the port to be released. If the port had not been previously grabbed, the request is ignored. time Specifies the request timestamp. DESCRIPTION
XvUngrabPort(3) releases a grabbed port. If time specifies a time before the last XvGrabPort(3) was executed, the request is ignored. RETURN VALUES
[Success] Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) completed successfully. [XvBadExtension] Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable. [XvBadAlloc] Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) failed to allocate memory to process the request. DIAGNOSTICS
[XvBadPort] Generated if the requested port does not exist. SEE ALSO
XvGrabPort(3) X Version 11 libXv 1.0.7 XvUngrabPort(3)

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XvUngrabPort(3) 						  libXv Functions						   XvUngrabPort(3)

XvUngrabPort - release port grabbed for video operation SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h> int XvUngrabPort(Display *dpy, XvPortID port, Time time); ARGUMENTS
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server. port Specifies the port to be released. If the port had not been previously grabbed, the request is ignored. time Specifies the request timestamp. DESCRIPTION
XvUngrabPort(3) releases a grabbed port. If time specifies a time before the last XvGrabPort(3) was executed, the request is ignored. RETURN VALUES
[Success] Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) completed successfully. [XvBadExtension] Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable. [XvBadAlloc] Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) failed to allocate memory to process the request. DIAGNOSTICS
[XvBadPort] Generated if the requested port does not exist. SEE ALSO
XvGrabPort(3) X Version 11 libXv 1.0.7 XvUngrabPort(3)
Man Page

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