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ustat(2) [ultrix man page]

ustat(2)							System Calls Manual							  ustat(2)

       ustat - get file system statistics

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <ustat.h>

       int ustat (dev, buf)
       dev_t dev;
       struct ustat *buf;

       The  call  returns  information about a mounted file system.  The dev argument is a device number identifying a device containing a mounted
       file system.  The buf argument is a pointer to a structure that includes the following elements:
       daddr_t	f_tfree;       /* Total free blocks (Kbytes) */
       ino_t	f_tinode;      /* Number of free inodes */
       char	f_fname[512];  /* Filsys name */
       char	f_fpack[6];    /* Filsys pack name */
       The f_fpack always returns a null string.

       Differs from System V definition in that the size of the f_fname structure element is 512 instead of 6, and the dev parameter is type dev_t
       instead of int.

       The call fails if any of the following is true:

       [EINVAL]       The dev argument is not the device number of a device containing a mounted file system.

       [EFAULT]       The buf argument points outside the process's allocated address space.

       [ETIMEDOUT]    A  connect  request  or remote file operation failed, because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of
		      time that is dependent on the communications protocol.

See Also
       stat(2), fs(5)


Check Out this Related Man Page

USTAT(2)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							  USTAT(2)

ustat - get file system statistics SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> /* libc[45] */ #include <ustat.h> /* glibc2 */ int ustat(dev_t dev, struct ustat *ubuf); DESCRIPTION
ustat returns information about a mounted file system. dev is a device number identifying a device containing a mounted file system. ubuf is a pointer to a ustat structure that contains the following members: daddr_t f_tfree; /* Total free blocks */ ino_t f_tinode; /* Number of free inodes */ char f_fname[6]; /* Filsys name */ char f_fpack[6]; /* Filsys pack name */ The last two fields, f_fname and f_fpack, are not implemented and will always be filled with null characters. RETURN VALUE
On success, zero is returned and the ustat structure pointed to by ubuf will be filled in. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. ERRORS
EINVAL dev does not refer to a device containing a mounted file system. EFAULT ubuf points outside of your accessible address space. ENOSYS The mounted file system referenced by dev does not support this operation, or any version of Linux before 1.3.16. NOTES
ustat has only been provided for compatibility. All new programs should use statfs(2) instead. CONFORMING TO
SVr4. SVr4 documents additional error conditions ENOLINK, ECOMM, and EINTR but has no ENOSYS condition. SEE ALSO
statfs(2), stat(2) Linux 1.3.16 1995-08-09 USTAT(2)
Man Page

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