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diffmk(1) [ultrix man page]

diffmk(1)						      General Commands Manual							 diffmk(1)

       diffmk - mark differences between files

       diffmk name1 name2 name3

       The  command compares two versions of a file and creates a third file that includes ``change mark'' commands for or The name1 and name2 are
       the old and new versions of the file.  The command generates name3, which contains the lines of	name2  plus  inserted  formatter  ``change
       mark''  (.mc) requests.	When name3 is formatted, changed or inserted text is shown by | at the right margin of each line.  The position of
       deleted text is shown by a single *.

       The command can be used to produce listings of C (or other) programs with changes marked.  A typical command line for such use is the  fol-
       diffmk old.c new.c tmp; nroff macs tmp | pr
       In this example the file macs contains:

	      .pl 1
	      .ll 77
	      .nc `

       The  .ll request might specify a different line length, depending on the nature of the program being printed.  The .eo and .nc requests are
       probably needed only for C programs.

       If the characters | and * are inappropriate, a copy of can be edited to change them.  The command is a shell procedure.

       Aesthetic considerations may dictate manual adjustment of some output.  File differences involving only	formatting  requests  may  produce
       undesirable output, that is, replacing .sp by .sp 2 will produce a ``change mark'' on the preceding or following line of output.

See Also
       cmp(1), comm(1), diff(1), nroff(1), join(1), sccsdiff(1), troff(1), uniq(1)


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diffmk(1)						      General Commands Manual							 diffmk(1)

diffmk - Marks differences between files SYNOPSIS
diffmk [-b] [-ab'mark'] [-ae'mark'] [-cb'mark'] [-ce'mark'] [-db'mark'] [-de'mark'] file1 file2 The diffmk command compares two versions of a file and creates a new file that marks the differences. OPTIONS
Uses mark to mark where added lines begin. Uses mark to mark where added lines end. Ignores differences that are only changes in tabs or spaces on a line. Uses mark to mark where changed lines begin. Uses mark to mark where changed lines end. Uses mark to mark where deleted lines begin. Uses mark to mark where deleted lines end. DESCRIPTION
The file1 and file2 variables are the old and new versions of the file, respectively. The diffmk command compares them and writes a new version to standard output, which can be redirected to a file. This output contains the lines of file2 marked with nroff change mark requests (.mc), or with the marks you specify with the -ab, -ae, -cb, -ce, -db, and -de options. When output containing requests is formatted with nroff, changed or inserted lines are marked by a | (vertical bar) at the right margin of each line. An * (asterisk) indicates that a line was deleted. If the DIFFMARK environment variable is defined, it names a command string that diffmk uses to compare the files. (Normally, diffmk uses the diff command.) For example, you might set DIFFMARK to diff -h in order to better handle extremely large files. EXAMPLES
To mark the differences between two versions of a text file, enter: diffmk -ab'>I:' -ae'<I' -cb'>C' -ce'<C' -db'>D' -de'<D' chap1.old chap1 >chap1.diffs This causes diffmk to create a copy of chap1 called chap1.diffs, showing differences between chap1.old and chap1. Additions of one or more lines are marked with >I and <I, changed lines are marked with >C and <C, and deletions are marked with >D and <D. To mark differences with nroff requests, enter: diffmk chap1.old chap1 > chap1.nroff This produces a copy of chap1 called chap1.nroff containing nroff change mark requests to identify text that was added to, changed, or deleted from chap1.old. To use different nroff marking requests and ignore changes in white space, enter: diffmk -b -cb'.mc %' chap1.old chap1 > chap1.nroff This imbeds commands that mark changes with % (percent sign), additions with | (the default, because no -a option is specified), and deletions with * (the default). It does not mark changes that only involve a different number of spaces or tabs between words (-b). SEE ALSO
Commands: diff(1), nroff(1) diffmk(1)
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