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abort(7) [suse man page]

ABORT(7)							   SQL Commands 							  ABORT(7)

ABORT - abort the current transaction SYNOPSIS
ABORT rolls back the current transaction and causes all the updates made by the transaction to be discarded. This command is identical in behavior to the standard SQL command ROLLBACK [rollback(7)], and is present only for historical reasons. PARAMETERS
WORK TRANSACTION Optional key words. They have no effect. NOTES
Use COMMIT [commit(7)] to successfully terminate a transaction. Issuing ABORT when not inside a transaction does no harm, but it will provoke a warning message. EXAMPLES
To abort all changes: ABORT; COMPATIBILITY
This command is a PostgreSQL extension present for historical reasons. ROLLBACK is the equivalent standard SQL command. SEE ALSO
BEGIN [begin(7)], COMMIT [commit(7)], ROLLBACK [rollback(7)] SQL - Language Statements 2010-05-14 ABORT(7)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ROLLBACK(7)                                                        SQL Commands                                                        ROLLBACK(7)

ROLLBACK - abort the current transaction SYNOPSIS
ROLLBACK rolls back the current transaction and causes all the updates made by the transaction to be discarded. PARAMETERS
WORK TRANSACTION Optional key words. They have no effect. NOTES
Use COMMIT [commit(7)] to successfully terminate a transaction. Issuing ROLLBACK when not inside a transaction does no harm, but it will provoke a warning message. EXAMPLES
To abort all changes: ROLLBACK; COMPATIBILITY
The SQL standard only specifies the two forms ROLLBACK and ROLLBACK WORK. Otherwise, this command is fully conforming. SEE ALSO
BEGIN [begin(7)], COMMIT [commit(7)], ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT [rollback_to_savepoint(7)] SQL - Language Statements 2010-05-14 ROLLBACK(7)
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