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splashy-config.xml(5) [suse man page]

SPLASHY-CONFIG.XML(5)					 Splashy POSIX boot splash system				     SPLASHY-CONFIG.XML(5)

Splashy - a user-mode, POSIX and LSB compliant, boot splashing system for UNIX. SYNOPSIS
/etc/splashy/config.xml - Splashy's configuration file DESCRIPTION
/etc/splashy/config.xml sets splashy's behaviour during boot, shutdown inter-runlevel and error. It is an XML file where all values are enclosed in tags A tag is anything enclosed between < and >. An opening tag has the form "<tag>" while a closing tag has its name preceded with a backslash () character as in "< ag>" Tags can be considered as folders. Each tag either contains tags or contains a value The value of the final tag affects in the field defined by its parents tags The following tag folders are supported: <splashy> This tag is mandatory. It contains all splashy's configuration values, listed below. The following values are supported: <themes> Absolute path to the directory containing the installed splashy themes. Default: /etc/splashy/themes <current_theme> Name of the theme to use. It must be the name of a directory in <themes>'s value's directory. Default: default <default_theme> Full path to a theme to fall back to if the theme specified in <current_theme>'s value can't be found. Default: /etc/splashy/themes/default <pid> Full path to the PID file splashy will use to store its PID so that other processes can know if it is running. Default: /var/run/ Comments can be introduced by enclsing them between <!-- and -->. Blank lines are also ignored EXAMPLES
The following is a complete and valid splashy configuration file: <splashy> <!-- themes directory: conventional path /etc/splashy/themes --> <themes>/etc/splashy/themes</themes> <!-- current theme could be relative the themes defined above or full path --> <current_theme>default</current_theme> <!-- full path to theme to fall back in case of problems. DO NOT CHANGE --> <default_theme>/etc/splashy/themes/default</default_theme> <!-- this defaults should be ok --> <pid>/var/run/</pid> </splashy> NOTES
Values are refered by their tag name prefixed with all of its parent tag's names. For example: "/splashy/pid" FILES
/etc/splashy/config.xml Main configuration. Defines how splashy should be setup /etc/splashy/themes/ Location where splashy themes are stored SEE ALSO
splashy(1), splashy_config(1), splashy_config(1), splashy-theme.xml(5) AUTHORS
Jacobo Vilella <> perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 SPLASHY-CONFIG.XML(5)

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USWSUSP.CONF(5) 						   uswsusp.conf 						   USWSUSP.CONF(5)

uswsusp.conf - Config file for the s2disk program DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the uswsusp.conf file used by the s2disk, s2both and resume commands. This manual page was written for the Debian(TM) distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. s2disk is a program that will save the the state of the whole system to disk and power off your system. After restarting your system it will be put back in the exact system state you left it (this is sometimes called hibernation). On a Debian(TM) system you can run dpkg-reconfigure uswsusp to manage this file. OPTIONS
snapshot device [=/dev/snapshot] Device via which s2disk should talk to the kernel. resume device Specifies the device to write the image to. This is a swap partition or the partition that contains the swap file (see next parameter). resume offset Necessary if a swap file is used for suspending. In such a case the device identified by the "resume device" parameter is regarded as the partition that contains the swap file, and "resume offset" must be equal to the offset from the beginning of this partition at which the swap file's header is located, in <PAGE_SIZE> units. The value of this parameter for given swap file can be determined by the swap-offset program (has to be run as root) included in this package. [For this feature to work, you will need an -mm kernel, 2.6.18-mm3 or newer.] image size Limit the size of the system snapshot image created by the s2disk tool, but it's not mandatory. Namely, the s2disk tool will do its best to limit the image size as required by this parameter, but if that's not possible, it will suspend the system anyway, with a bigger image. If "image size" is set to 0, the snapshot image will be as small as possible. suspend loglevel You can specify the kernel console loglevel which the s2disk/s2both and resume utilities will use to report progress. On a stock kernel messages with level higher then 7 are usually not shown. shutdown method This parameter defines the operation that will be carried out after the suspend image has been created and the machine is ready to be powered off. If it is set to "reboot", the machine will be rebooted immediately. If it is set to "platform", the machine will be shut down using special power management operations available from the kernel that may be necessary for the hardware to be properly reinitialized after the resume, and may cause the system to resume faster (this is the recommended shutdown method on the majority of systems and hence the defaul). If set to "shutdown" the machine will be powered off. compute checksum If the "compute checksum" parameter is set to 'y', the s2disk and resume tools will use the MD5 algorithm to verify the image integrity. compress If the "compress" parameter is set to 'y', the s2disk and resume tools will use the LZF compression algorithm to compress/decompress the image. encrypt If the "encrypt" parameter is set to 'y', the s2disk and resume tools will use the Blowfish encryption algorithm to encrypt/decrypt the image. On resume and suspend you will have to supply a passphrase. By using a pregenerated RSA key, you can avoid having to type a passphrase on suspend. See the "RSA key file" option for more information. RSA key file If this option points to a valid RSA key, which can be created with suspend-keygen, the s2disk tool will generate a random key for the Blowfish encryption that will be passed to the resume tool within the image header with the help of the RSA cipher. Consequently you only need to type a passphrase on resume. early writeout If the "early writeout" parameter is set to 'y', the s2disk utility will start syncing the resume device early in the process of writing the image to it. [This has been reported to speed up the s2disk on some boxes and eliminates the "fast progress meter and long fsync wait" effect.] splash The "splash" parameter is used to make s2disk and/or resume use a splash system (when set to 'y'). Currently the and splashy systems are supported. For the former you need a kernel patch, the latter is a userspace solution, but you'll need to install a splashy theme. If you use initramfs-tools on Debian(TM) to generate your initramfs (and have splashy installed), the necessary files will be copied to it. SEE ALSO
s2disk (8). suspend-keygen(8) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Tim Dijkstra for the Debian(TM) system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. On Debian(TM) systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. AUTHOR
TimTim DijkstraDijkstra <> <> Wrote this manpage for the Debian system. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Dijkstra uswsusp juni 24, 2006 USWSUSP.CONF(5)
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