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module::build::moduleinfo(3pm) [suse man page]

Module::Build::ModuleInfo(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide			    Module::Build::ModuleInfo(3pm)

ModuleInfo - Gather package and POD information from a perl module file DESCRIPTION
new_from_file($filename, collect_pod => 1) Construct a "ModuleInfo" object given the path to a file. Takes an optional argument "collect_pod" which is a boolean that determines whether POD data is collected and stored for reference. POD data is not collected by default. POD headings are always collected. new_from_module($module, collect_pod => 1, inc => @dirs) Construct a "ModuleInfo" object given a module or package name. In addition to accepting the "collect_pod" argument as described above, this method accepts a "inc" argument which is a reference to an array of of directories to search for the module. If none are given, the default is @INC. name() Returns the name of the package represented by this module. If there are more than one packages, it makes a best guess based on the filename. If it's a script (i.e. not a *.pm) the package name is 'main'. version($package) Returns the version as defined by the $VERSION variable for the package as returned by the "name" method if no arguments are given. If given the name of a package it will attempt to return the version of that package if it is specified in the file. filename() Returns the absolute path to the file. packages_inside() Returns a list of packages. pod_inside() Returns a list of POD sections. contains_pod() Returns true if there is any POD in the file. pod($section) Returns the POD data in the given section. find_module_by_name($module, @dirs) Returns the path to a module given the module or package name. A list of directories can be passed in as an optional parameter, otherwise @INC is searched. Can be called as either an object or a class method. find_module_dir_by_name($module, @dirs) Returns the entry in @dirs (or @INC by default) that contains the module $module. A list of directories can be passed in as an optional parameter, otherwise @INC is searched. Can be called as either an object or a class method. AUTHOR
Ken Williams <>, Randy W. Sims <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3) perl v5.12.1 2010-04-26 Module::Build::ModuleInfo(3pm)

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Module::Build::ConfigData(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide			    Module::Build::ConfigData(3pm)

Module::Build::ConfigData - Configuration for Module::Build SYNOPSIS
use Module::Build::ConfigData; $value = Module::Build::ConfigData->config('foo'); $value = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature('bar'); @names = Module::Build::ConfigData->config_names; @names = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature_names; Module::Build::ConfigData->set_config(foo => $new_value); Module::Build::ConfigData->set_feature(bar => $new_value); Module::Build::ConfigData->write; # Save changes DESCRIPTION
This module holds the configuration data for the "Module::Build" module. It also provides a programmatic interface for getting or setting that configuration data. Note that in order to actually make changes, you'll have to have write access to the "Module::Build::ConfigData" module, and you should attempt to understand the repercussions of your actions. METHODS
config($name) Given a string argument, returns the value of the configuration item by that name, or "undef" if no such item exists. feature($name) Given a string argument, returns the value of the feature by that name, or "undef" if no such feature exists. set_config($name, $value) Sets the configuration item with the given name to the given value. The value may be any Perl scalar that will serialize correctly using "Data::Dumper". This includes references, objects (usually), and complex data structures. It probably does not include transient things like filehandles or sockets. set_feature($name, $value) Sets the feature with the given name to the given boolean value. The value will be converted to 0 or 1 automatically. config_names() Returns a list of all the names of config items currently defined in "Module::Build::ConfigData", or in scalar context the number of items. feature_names() Returns a list of all the names of features currently defined in "Module::Build::ConfigData", or in scalar context the number of features. auto_feature_names() Returns a list of all the names of features whose availability is dynamically determined, or in scalar context the number of such features. Does not include such features that have later been set to a fixed value. write() Commits any changes from "set_config()" and "set_feature()" to disk. Requires write access to the "Module::Build::ConfigData" module. AUTHOR
"Module::Build::ConfigData" was automatically created using "Module::Build". "Module::Build" was written by Ken Williams, but he holds no authorship claim or copyright claim to the contents of "Module::Build::ConfigData". perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 Module::Build::ConfigData(3pm)
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