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draw_lit_sprite(3alleg4) [suse man page]

draw_lit_sprite(3alleg4)                                          Allegro manual                                          draw_lit_sprite(3alleg4)

draw_lit_sprite - Draws a sprite tinted with a specific color. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> void draw_lit_sprite(BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *sprite, int x, int y, int color); DESCRIPTION
In 256-color modes, uses the global color_map table to tint the sprite image to the specified color or to light it to the level specified by "color", depending on the function which was used to build the table (create_trans_table or create_light_table), and draws the resulting image to the destination bitmap. In truecolor modes, uses the blender functions to light the sprite image using the alpha level specified by "color" (the alpha level which was passed to the blender functions is ignored) and draws the resulting image to the destination bitmap. The "color" parameter must be in the range [0-255] whatever its actual meaning is. This must only be used after you have set up the color mapping table (for 256-color modes) or blender functions (for truecolor modes). Example: /* Some one time initialisation code. */ COLOR_MAP global_light_table; create_light_table(&global_trans_table, my_palette, 10, 10, 60, NULL); ... if (get_color_depth() == 8) color_map = &global_light_table; else set_trans_blender(40, 40, 255, 255); /* Lit the cape with a blueish light. */ draw_lit_sprite(buffer, colored_cape, x, y, 64); SEE ALSO
draw_sprite(3alleg4), draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4), draw_gouraud_sprite(3alleg4), draw_lit_rle_sprite(3alleg4), color_map(3alleg4), set_trans_blender(3alleg4), bitmap_mask_color(3alleg4), exblend(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 draw_lit_sprite(3alleg4)

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draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4)

draw_trans_sprite - Draws a sprite blending it with the destination. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> void draw_trans_sprite(BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *sprite, int x, int y); DESCRIPTION
Uses the global color_map table or truecolor blender functions to overlay the sprite on top of the existing image. This must only be used after you have set up the color mapping table (for 256-color modes) or blender functions (for truecolor modes). Because it involves reading as well as writing the bitmap memory, translucent drawing is very slow if you draw directly to video RAM, so wherever possible you should use a memory bitmap instead. Example: /* Some one time initialisation code. */ COLOR_MAP global_trans_table; create_trans_table(&global_trans_table, my_palette, 128, 128, 128, NULL); ... if (get_color_depth() == 8) color_map = &global_trans_table; else set_trans_blender(128, 128, 128, 128); draw_trans_sprite(buffer, ghost_sprite, x, y); The bitmap and sprite must normally be in the same color depth, but as a special case you can draw 32 bit RGBA format sprites onto any hicolor or truecolor bitmap, as long as you call set_alpha_blender() first, and you can draw 8-bit alpha images onto a 32-bit RGBA destina- tion, as long as you call set_write_alpha_blender() first. As draw_sprite() this function skips transparent pixels, except if the source sprite is an 8-bit image; if this is the case, you should pay attention to properly set up your color map table for index 0. SEE ALSO
draw_sprite(3alleg4), draw_lit_sprite(3alleg4), draw_trans_rle_sprite(3alleg4), color_map(3alleg4), set_trans_blender(3alleg4), set_alpha_blender(3alleg4), set_write_alpha_blender(3alleg4), bitmap_mask_color(3alleg4), exalpha(3alleg4), exblend(3alleg4), exlights(3alleg4), exrotscl(3alleg4), extrans(3alleg4), exxfade(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4)
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