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group(4) [sunos man page]

group(4)							   File Formats 							  group(4)

group - group file DESCRIPTION
The group file is a local source of group information. The group file can be used in conjunction with other group sources, including the NIS maps group.byname and group.bygid, the NIS+ table group, or group information stored on an LDAP server. Programs use the getgrnam(3C) routines to access this information. The group file contains a one-line entry for each group recognized by the system, of the form: groupname:password: gid:user-list where groupname The name of the group. gid The group's unique numerical ID (GID) within the system. user-list A comma-separated list of users allowed in the group. The maximum value of the gid field is 2147483647. To maximize interoperability and compatibility, administrators are recommended to assign groups using the range of GIDs below 60000 where possible. If the password field is empty, no password is demanded. During user identification and authentication, the supplementary group access list is initialized sequentially from information in this file. If a user is in more groups than the system is configured for, {NGROUPS_MAX}, a warning will be given and subsequent group specifications will be ignored. Malformed entries cause routines that read this file to halt, in which case group assignments specified further along are never made. To prevent this from happening, use grpck(1B) to check the /etc/group database from time to time. Previous releases used a group entry beginning with a `+' (plus sign) or `-' (minus sign) to selectively incorporate entries from a naming service source (for example, an NIS map or data from an LDAP server) for group. If still required, this is supported by specifying group:compat in nsswitch.conf(4). The compat source may not be supported in future releases. Possible sources are files followed by ldap or nisplus. This has the effect of incorporating information from an LDAP server or the entire contents of the NIS+ group table after the group file. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Sample of a group File. Here is a sample group file: root::0:root stooges:q.mJzTnu8icF.:10:larry,moe,curly and the sample group entry from nsswitch.conf: group: files ldap With these entries, the group stooges will have members larry, moe, and curly, and all groups listed on the LDAP server are effectively incorporated after the entry for stooges. If the group file was: root::0:root stooges:q.mJzTnu8icF.:10:larry,moe,curly +: and the group entry from nsswitch.conf: group: compat all the groups listed in the NIS group.bygid and group.byname maps would be effectively incorporated after the entry for stooges. SEE ALSO
groups(1), grpck(1B), newgrp(1), getgrnam(3C), initgroups(3C), nsswitch.conf(4), unistd.h(3HEAD) System Administration Guide: Basic Administration SunOS 5.10 22 Jul 2004 group(4)

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GROUP(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual							  GROUP(5)

group -- format of the group permissions file DESCRIPTION
The group file is the local source of group information. It can be used in conjunction with the Hesiod domain `group', and the NIS maps `group.byname' and `group.bygid', as controlled by nsswitch.conf(5). The file group consists of newline separated ASCII records, one per group, containing four colon ':' separated fields. These fields are as follows: group Name of the group. passwd Group's encrypted password. gid The group's decimal ID. member Group members. Lines whose first non-whitespace character is a pound-sign (#) are comments, and are ignored. Blank lines that consist only of spaces, tabs or newlines are also ignored. The group field is the group name used for granting file access to users who are members of the group. The gid field is the number associ- ated with the group name. They should both be unique across the system (and often across a group of systems) since they control file access. The passwd field is an optional encrypted password. This field is rarely used and an asterisk is normally placed in it rather than leaving it blank. The member field contains the names of users granted the privileges of group. The member names are separated by commas without spaces or newlines. A user is automatically in a group if that group was specified in their /etc/passwd entry and does not need to be added to that group in the group file. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
The passwd(1) command does not change the group passwords. The pw(8) utility's groupmod command should be used instead. LIMITS
There are various limitations which are explained in the function where they occur; see section SEE ALSO. In older implementations, a group cannot have more than 200 members. The maximum line length of /etc/group is 1024 characters. Longer lines will be skipped. This limitation disappeared in FreeBSD 3.0. Older binaries that are statically linked, depend on old shared libraries, or non-FreeBSD binaries in compatibility mode may still have this limit. FILES
/etc/group SEE ALSO
newgrp(1), passwd(1), setgroups(2), crypt(3), getgrent(3), initgroups(3), nsswitch.conf(5), passwd(5), chkgrp(8), pw(8), yp(8) HISTORY
A group file format appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. Support for comments first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0. BSD
February 8, 2013 BSD
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