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scalbn(3m) [sunos man page]

scalbln(3M)						  Mathematical Library Functions					       scalbln(3M)

scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl, scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl - compute exponent using FLT_RADIX SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ] #include <math.h> double scalbln(double x, long n); float scalblnf(float x, long n); long double scalblnl(long double x, long n); double scalbn(double x, int n); float scalbnf(float x, int n); long double scalbnl(long double x, int n); DESCRIPTION
These functions compute x * FLT_RADIX**n efficiently, not normally by computing FLT_RADIX**n explicitly. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return x * FLT_RADIX**n. If the result would cause overflow, a range error occurs and these functions return +-HUGE_VAL, +-HUGE_VALF, and +-HUGE_VALL (according to the sign of x) as appropriate for the return type of the function. If x is NaN, a NaN is returned. If x is +-0 or +-Inf, x is returned. If x is 0, x is returned. ERRORS
These functions will fail if: Range Error The result overflows. If the integer expression (math_errhandling & MATH_ERREXCEPT) is non-zero, then the overflow floating-point exception is raised. USAGE
An application wanting to check for exceptions should call feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT) before calling these functions. On return, if fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW) is non-zero, an exception has been raised. An application should either examine the return value or check the floating point exception flags to detect exceptions. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
feclearexcept(3M), fetestexcept(3M), math.h(3HEAD), scalb(3M), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 1 Sep 2002 scalbln(3M)

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scalbln(3M)						  Mathematical Library Functions					       scalbln(3M)

scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl, scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl - compute exponent using FLT_RADIX SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ] #include <math.h> double scalbln(double x, long n); float scalblnf(float x, long n); long double scalblnl(long double x, long n); double scalbn(double x, int n); float scalbnf(float x, int n); long double scalbnl(long double x, int n); DESCRIPTION
These functions compute x * FLT_RADIX**n efficiently, not normally by computing FLT_RADIX**n explicitly. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return x * FLT_RADIX**n. If the result would cause overflow, a range error occurs and these functions return +-HUGE_VAL, +-HUGE_VALF, and +-HUGE_VALL (according to the sign of x) as appropriate for the return type of the function. If x is NaN, a NaN is returned. If x is +-0 or +-Inf, x is returned. If x is 0, x is returned. ERRORS
These functions will fail if: Range Error The result overflows. If the integer expression (math_errhandling & MATH_ERREXCEPT) is non-zero, then the overflow floating-point exception is raised. USAGE
An application wanting to check for exceptions should call feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT) before calling these functions. On return, if fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW) is non-zero, an exception has been raised. An application should either examine the return value or check the floating point exception flags to detect exceptions. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
feclearexcept(3M), fetestexcept(3M), math.h(3HEAD), scalb(3M), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 1 Sep 2002 scalbln(3M)
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