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fmaxf(3m) [sunos man page]

fmax(3M)						  Mathematical Library Functions						  fmax(3M)

fmax, fmaxf, fmaxl - determine maximum numeric value of two floating-point numbers SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ] #include <math.h> double fmax(double x, double y); float fmaxf(float x, float y); long double fmaxl(long double x, long double y); DESCRIPTION
These functions determine the maximum numeric value of their arguments. NaN arguments are treated as missing data: if one argument is a NaN and the other numeric, these functions choose the numeric value. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return the maximum numeric value of their arguments. If just one argument is a NaN, the other argument is returned. If x and y are NaN, a NaN is returned. ERRORS
No errors are defined. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fdim(3M), fmin(3M), math.h(3HEAD), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 1 Sep 2002 fmax(3M)

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fmax(3M)						  Mathematical Library Functions						  fmax(3M)

fmax, fmaxf, fmaxl - determine maximum numeric value of two floating-point numbers SYNOPSIS
c99 [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ] #include <math.h> double fmax(double x, double y); float fmaxf(float x, float y); long double fmaxl(long double x, long double y); DESCRIPTION
These functions determine the maximum numeric value of their arguments. NaN arguments are treated as missing data: if one argument is a NaN and the other numeric, these functions choose the numeric value. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return the maximum numeric value of their arguments. If just one argument is a NaN, the other argument is returned. If x and y are NaN, a NaN is returned. ERRORS
No errors are defined. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fdim(3M), fmin(3M), math.h(3HEAD), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.11 12 Jul 2006 fmax(3M)
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