rcvpack - append message to file
/usr/lib/mh/rcvpack file [-mbox] [-mmdf] [-version] [-help]
The rcvpack program will append a copy of the message to the file listed on its command line.
If the -mbox switch is given (the default), then the messages are separated using mbox (uucp) style delimiters. This is the format used by
most mail clients (elm, mailx, etc.).
If the -mmdf switch is given, then the messages are separated by mmdf style delimiters. Each message in the file is separated by four
CTRL-A's and a newline.
rcvpack will correctly lock and unlock the file to serialize access to the file, when running multiple copies of rcvpack .
In general, its use is obsoleted by the file action of slocal, although it might still have occasional uses in various shell scripts.
/etc/nmh/mts.conf nmh mts configuration file
SEE ALSO rcvdist(1), rcvstore(1), rcvtty(1), slocal(1)BUGS
Only two return codes are meaningful, others should be.
MH.6.8 11 June 2012 RCVPACK(1)
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rcvpack - append message to file
/usr/lib/mh/rcvpack file [-mbox] [-mmdf] [-version] [-help]
The rcvpack program will append a copy of the message to the file listed on its command line.
If the -mbox switch is given (the default), then the messages are separated using mbox (uucp) style delimiters. This is the format used by
most mail clients (elm, mailx, etc.).
If the -mmdf switch is given, then the messages are separated by mmdf style delimiters. Each message in the file is separated by four
CTRL-A's and a newline.
rcvpack will correctly lock and unlock the file to serialize access to the file, when running multiple copies of rcvpack .
In general, its use is obsoleted by the file action of slocal, although it might still have occasional uses in various shell scripts.
/etc/nmh/mts.conf nmh mts configuration file
SEE ALSO rcvdist(1), rcvstore(1), rcvtty(1), slocal(1)BUGS
Only two return codes are meaningful, others should be.
MH.6.8 11 June 2012 RCVPACK(1)
Hi all
I need help finding a process that is continuing to create files in the above area. There are three sub folder titled addr q.local and msg . I have already found a process called mmdf running and have used the kill command to stop this from running. I have also looked for sendmail or... (12 Replies)
I have this mailx -s command in my script and when the script is run,it throws me this message
The flags you gave are used only when sending mail.
Usage:mailx -eiIUdFntBNHvV!~ -T FILE -u USER -h hops -r address -s SUBJECT -f FILE users.
Can you help me how i can send an... (9 Replies)
I have a pipe delimited file with 1 million records. I need to validate each line by counting the number of delimiters, if any line fails to have the specified number of delimiters, taat line has to be sent to a reject file.
Kindly suggest.
if code provided, it is highly appreciated, and... (22 Replies)
I try order the content from file by delimiters.
This is the text:
interface Loopback0
description !!!RID RR_SLT
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0
description !!!P_SLT GI0/0/9
ip address
and the result that I need... (11 Replies)
this thread is more about scripting style than a specific issue.
I've to grep from a output some lines and from them obtain a specific entry delimited by < and >.
This is my way :
1) grep -i user list | awk '{FS="<";print $NF}' | sed -e 's/>//g'
2) grep -i user list | cut -d","... (10 Replies)
I have a line of text for example
aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffffff
I would need to get the cccc however bbbb could be there or not.
So whether bbbb is in the line or not I need cccc.
I was looking at either awk or sed....and trying to start at c and end until the next space.
Also... (11 Replies)
I have data where words are separated by a delimiter. In this case "="
The number of delimiters in a line can vary from 4to 8. The norm is 4.
Is it possible to have a script where the file could be separated starting with highest number of delimiters and ending with the lowest
An... (8 Replies)
I am using mailx command in shell script. When i put -c option for CC , i get error message as "Unknown flag: -c" . I checked manual of mailx command and found that ~c to be used but after using ~c also it is not working. My shell is Korn. Kindly let me know what i have to do .
Thanks (9 Replies)
Hi there,
I have 2 fairly simple lines I am running and both work as expected, but I am trying to append the two of them to output a single line.
The first command get the MAC times of each file :-
find /media/Vista/Garmin/PCBSMP2/ -type f -printf "%A+ (a) %p\n%T+ (m) %p\n%C+ (c) %p\n"
... (9 Replies)
Hi ,
I have a number say 12345001 which needs to be parsed. Its a number that has no delimiters.I have to read the last three digits and then the rest of digits irrespective of the total length of the number. The digits then have to be swapped and changed to a fixed length. The fillers to be... (10 Replies)
we are sending email after processing the file thorugh shell scripts(AIX OS) to set of users.
we are using mailx command to achieve this.
While sending the mail, from address use servername@domain, which we want to get rid of. We would like to use different name instead of.
Any help... (12 Replies)
I have a csv file with "^" as text delimiters and "|" as field delimiters. It's converted from a xls file. One record looks like this:
^Tablete Internet^|Archos|501838|^Tableta Internet ARCHOS 80 G9
...| ...
(more lines)
... "501|838"^|330.00|USD|sl|12|0|Link|^router wireless 150... (10 Replies)
Hi All,
My requirement is to remove the carriage return in from the lines which i am reading if the length is lesser than 1330 and append the next line with it. Below is the realistic example of file structure.
Input file:
Blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah Blah... (16 Replies)
Hey guys,
I have a file that is delimited by | and I am trying to write a sed command to
convert this:
into this:
The output I am getting out of:
sed -e "s/+//g" /tmp/opt.del > /tmp/opt2.del
is like:
... (9 Replies)
Attchment in mailx command is not happening with -a option .
Please find below command I tried
mailx -s "test" -a abc.txt alokjyotibal@gmail.com (9 Replies)