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atok12(1) [sunos man page]

atok12(1)							   User Commands							 atok12(1)

atok12 - ATOK12 Japanese language input system DESCRIPTION
ATOK12 provides a method to input Japanese language in a desktop environment. You can change the setup for ATOK12 by running atok12setup(1). When you are logged in to the Japanese desktop again, ATOK12 becomes avail- able and ATOK palette window will open. You can choose any Japanese language input method you like by using environment configuration utility accessable from ATOK palette window. You can also register and use your own Kana-Kanji conversion dictionary by using dictionary utility accessable from ATOK palette window. ATOK12 is available from X Window applications, and client applications that uses IIIMP (Internet-Internet Input Method Protocol), such as Java2 applications with Swing interface, for example. Dictionaries for Kana-Kanji conversion can be managed centrally on a server. SEE ALSO
atok12setup(1), java(1) Japanese Input System Summary & Transition ATOK12 User's Guide SunOS 5.10 10 Jan 2003 atok12(1)

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atok12wordlist(4)						   File Formats 						 atok12wordlist(4)

atok12wordlist - Text word file for ATOK12 dictionary utility DESCRIPTION
atok12wordlist is a word file of text format for ATOK12 dictionary maintenance. It is used by some functions of the atok12(1) dictionary utilitiy for input and output. The format of the word file is defined as follows: First line of the file The first line must begin with: !ATOK12 In this case, ! must be a half-size character. ATOK12 can be half-size characters and corresponding full-size characters. Comment line Lines begin with ! (Both half-size and full-size can be used) are ignored as a commented out line, except for the first line. Specifying words using aWords_aresspecified by the following notation. Reading,notation,part_of_speech Either a comma or touten (Japanese comma) can be used as a delimiter. When notation contains a delimiter, enclose the notation in double- or single-quotation marks. Either a half-size characters or a full-size characters can be used for delimiters and quotation marks. For the part_of_speech type, see the description of "Possible part_of_speech". The part_of_speech entry must be in Japanese. Specifying a word with aWords_cansalsohbeuspecified by the following notation. Reading,notation,part_of_speech_number This format is the same as above, except that the part_of_speech is specified by a number. For the part_of_speech_number, see the description of "Possible part_of_speech". Possible reading Length: Up to 16 characters. Dakuten (sonant sound mark) and han-dakuten (p-sound mark) are counted as a single character. CharacterThe following half-size and full-size characters can be used. However, when stored in the dictionary, the characters for the reading are converted to the corresponding half-size characters. o Full-size Hiragana o The following half-size and full-size characters Katakana Alphabet Numerals Dakuten Han-dakuten - + * / _ # $ % & = @ : ; < > The following characters cannot be used as the first character of the reading. o The following half-size and full-size characters Hiragana/Katakana "wo" Hiragana/Katakana "n" Chouon (prolonged sound mark) Hiragana/Katakana Youon small "a", "i", "u", "e", "o", "ya", "yu", "yo" Hiragana/Katakana Sokuon "small tsu" Dakuten (sonant sound mark) Han-dakuten (p-sound mark) Order of Inathegdictionary, the reading is stored after conversion to the corresponding half-size characters. The order of the reading is same as the order of the JIS-X0201 character set definition code. When list dis- play or reading range specification is made using the dictionary maintenance tool, this order is used. Possible notation Length: Up to 50 characters. A half-size character is counted as 1 and a full-size character 2. CharacterAll half-size and full-size characters Possible part_of_speech There are a total of 33 part_of_speech types. The part_of_speech entries must be in Japanese. +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |Part_of_speech_number Part_of_speech | |1 General nouns | |4 Proper nouns (person name) | |5 Proper nouns (location name) | |6 Proper nouns (organization name) | |8 Proper nouns (general) | |9 Nouns (sa-gyou irregular) | |10 Nouns (za-gyou irregular) | |11 Nouns (adjective verbs) | |13 Numerals | |14 Aeverbs | |15 Rentaishi (non-conjugative adjec- | | tives) | |16 Conjunctions | |17 Interjections | |18 Independent words | |19 Prefixes | |21 Noun suffixes | |23 Ka-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |24 Ga-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |25 Sa-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |26 Ta-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |27 Na-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |32 Ha-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |28 Ba-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |29 Ma-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |30 Ra-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |31 Wa-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant- | | stem) verbs | |33 Ichidan katsuyou verbs | |34 Ka-gyou irregular verbs | |35 Sa-gyou irregular verbs | |36 Za-gyou irregular verbs | |37 Adjectives | |39 Adjective verbs | |41 Tankanji (single Kanji) | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ USAGE
See Japanese locale man pages for examples of word file entries. SEE ALSO
atok12(1) ATOK12 User's Guide SunOS 5.10 10 Jan 2003 atok12wordlist(4)
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