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xltentrysb(3) [redhat man page]

(3)							      Free Widget Foundation							       (3)

The XltEntrySB widget implements a valuator that can be changed either by entering a value in an XmTextEntry field, or by moving an XmScale. The value is a float, but it is passed as a string because C cannot cast floats to pointers. This is the Motif version of MmwEn- trySB. Public variables +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | XltEntrySB | | | |Name | Class | Type | Default | |XtNminval | XtCMinval | String | "0.0" | |XtNmaxval | XtCMaxval | String | "100.0" | |XtNdecimals | XtCDecimals | int | 0 | |XtNvalue | XtCValue | String | "0.0" | |XtNscrollWidth | XtCScrollWidth | Dimension | 200 | |XtNtextWidth | XtCTextWidth | int | 7 | |XtNlabel | XtCLabel | String | NULL | |XtNvalueChanged | XtCValueChanged | Callback | NULL | | | | | | +----------------+-----------------+------------+---------+ XtNminval minval and maxval are the minimum and maximum values for the valuator, respectively. decimals indicates how many decimal places should be indicated in the text entry field, and may be zero. XtNmaxval XtNdecimals XtNvalue This is the value of the Widget. The following resources are only used on creation: XtNscrollWidth The width of the scrollbar is specified by scrollWidth. XtNheight This is the overall height of the widget. If not specified, one is calculated. XtNtextWidth This is the number of characters in the text entry widget XtNlabel The label, if any, to be used for the scrollbar. XtNvalueChanged The valueChanged callback is invoked when the value changes via a new text entry or the slider moving +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | XmManager | | | |Name | Class | Type | Default | |XtNbottom_shadow_color | XtCBottom_shadow_color | Pixel | 0 | |XtNbottom_shadow_pixmap | XtCBottom_shadow_pixmap | Pixmap | 0 | |XtNforeground | XtCForeground | Pixel | 0 | |XtNhelp_callback | XtCHelp_callback | Callback | NULL | |XtNhighlight_color | XtCHighlight_color | Pixel | 0 | |XtNhighlight_pixmap | XtCHighlight_pixmap | Pixmap | None | |XtNinitial_focus | XtCInitial_focus | Widget | NULL | |navigationType | XtCNavigationType | NavigationType | XmTAB_GROUP | |XtNshadow_thickness | XtCShadow_thickness | Dimension | 0 | |XtNstring_direction | XtCString_direction | XMStringDirection | 0 | |XtNtop_shadow_color | XtCTop_shadow_color | Pixel | 0 | |XtNtop_shadow_pixmap | XtCTop_shadow_pixmap | Pixmap | None | |XtNtraversal_on | XtCTraversal_on | Boolean | True | |XtNunit_type | XtCUnit_type | Unsigned char | XmPIXELS | |XtNuser_data | XtCUser_data | XTPointer | NULL | | | | | | +------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Composite | | | |Name | Class | Type | Default | |XtNchildren | XtCChildren | WidgetList | NULL | |insertPosition | XtCInsertPosition | XTOrderProc | NULL | |numChildren | XtCNumChildren | Cardinal | 0 | | | | | | +---------------+-------------------+--------------+---------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Core | | | |Name | Class | Type | Default | |XtNx | XtCX | Position | 0 | |XtNy | XtCY | Position | 0 | |XtNwidth | XtCWidth | Dimension | 0 | |XtNheight | XtCHeight | Dimension | 0 | |borderWidth | XtCBorderWidth | Dimension | 0 | |XtNcolormap | XtCColormap | Colormap | NULL | |XtNdepth | XtCDepth | Int | 0 | |destroyCallback | XtCDestroyCallback | XTCallbackList | NULL | |XtNsensitive | XtCSensitive | Boolean | True | |XtNtm | XtCTm | XTTMRec | NULL | |ancestorSensitive | XtCAncestorSensitive | Boolean | False | |accelerators | XtCAccelerators | XTTranslations | NULL | |borderColor | XtCBorderColor | Pixel | 0 | |borderPixmap | XtCBorderPixmap | Pixmap | NULL | |background | XtCBackground | Pixel | 0 | |backgroundPixmap | XtCBackgroundPixmap | Pixmap | NULL | |mappedWhenManaged | XtCMappedWhenManaged | Boolean | True | |XtNscreen | XtCScreen | Screen * | NULL | | | | | | +------------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------+ Version 3.0 (3)
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