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fmtmsg.h(0p) [posix man page]

<fmtmsg.h>(P)						     POSIX Programmer's Manual						     <fmtmsg.h>(P)

fmtmsg.h - message display structures SYNOPSIS
#include <fmtmsg.h> DESCRIPTION
The <fmtmsg.h> header shall define the following macros, which expand to constant integer expressions: MM_HARD Source of the condition is hardware. MM_SOFT Source of the condition is software. MM_FIRM Source of the condition is firmware. MM_APPL Condition detected by application. MM_UTIL Condition detected by utility. MM_OPSYS Condition detected by operating system. MM_RECOVER Recoverable error. MM_NRECOV Non-recoverable error. MM_HALT Error causing application to halt. MM_ERROR Application has encountered a non-fatal fault. MM_WARNING Application has detected unusual non-error condition. MM_INFO Informative message. MM_NOSEV No severity level provided for the message. MM_PRINT Display message on standard error. MM_CONSOLE Display message on system console. The table below indicates the null values and identifiers for fmtmsg() arguments. The <fmtmsg.h> header shall define the macros in the Identifier column, which expand to constant expressions that expand to expressions of the type indicated in the Type column: Argument Type Null-Value Identifier label char * (char*)0 MM_NULLLBL severity int 0 MM_NULLSEV class long 0L MM_NULLMC text char * (char*)0 MM_NULLTXT action char * (char*)0 MM_NULLACT tag char * (char*)0 MM_NULLTAG The <fmtmsg.h> header shall also define the following macros for use as return values for fmtmsg(): MM_OK The function succeeded. MM_NOTOK The function failed completely. MM_NOMSG The function was unable to generate a message on standard error, but otherwise succeeded. MM_NOCON The function was unable to generate a console message, but otherwise succeeded. The following shall be declared as a function and may also be defined as a macro. A function prototype shall be provided. int fmtmsg(long, const char *, int, const char *, const char *, const char *); The following sections are informative. APPLICATION USAGE
The System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, fmtmsg() COPYRIGHT
Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technol- ogy -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at . IEEE
/The Open Group 2003 <fmtmsg.h>(P)

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fmtmsg.h(3HEAD) 						      Headers							   fmtmsg.h(3HEAD)

fmtmsg.h, fmtmsg - message display structures SYNOPSIS
#include <fmtmsg.h> DESCRIPTION
The <fmtmsg.h> header defines the following macros, which expand to constant integer expressions: MM_HARD Source of the condition is hardware. MM_SOFT Source of the condition is software. MM_FIRM Source of the condition is firmware. MM_APPL Condition detected by application. MM_UTIL Condition detected by utility. MM_OPSYS Condition detected by operating system. MM_RECOVER Recoverable error. MM_NRECOV Non-recoverable error. MM_HALT Error causing application to halt. MM_ERROR Application has encountered a non-fatal fault. MM_WARNING Application has detected unusual non-error condition. MM_INFO Informative message. MM_NOSEV No severity level provided for the message. MM_PRINT Display message on standard error. MM_CONSOLE Display message on system console. The table below indicates the null values and identifiers for fmtmsg(3C) arguments. The <fmtmsg.h> header defines the macros in the Identi- fier column, which expand to constant expressions that expand to expressions of the type indicated in the Type column: Argument Type Null-Value Identifier label char* (char*) NULL MM_NULLLBL severity int 0 MM_NULLSEV class long 0L MM_NULLMC text char* (char*) NULL MM_NULLTXT action char* (char*) NULL MM_NULLACT tag char* (char*) NULL MM_NULLTAG The <fmtmsg.h> header also defines the following macros for use as return values for fmtmsg(): MM_OK The function succeeded. MM_NOTOK The function failed completely. MM_NOMSG The function was unable to generate a message on standard error, but otherwise succeeded. MM_NOCON The function was unable to generate a console message, but otherwise succeeded. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fmtmsg(3C), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.11 10 Sep 2004 fmtmsg.h(3HEAD)
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