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dh_auto_build(1) [plan9 man page]

DH_AUTO_BUILD(1)						     Debhelper							  DH_AUTO_BUILD(1)

dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package SYNOPSIS
dh_auto_build [buildsystemoptions] [debhelperoptions] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_auto_build is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, if a Makefile is found, this is done by running make (or MAKE, if the environment variable is set). If there's a, or Build.PL, it is run to build the package. This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using dh_auto_build at all, and just run the build process manually. OPTIONS
See "BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS" in debhelper(7) for a list of common build system selection and control options. -- params Pass params to the program that is run, after the parameters that dh_auto_build usually passes. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_AUTO_BUILD(1)

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DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)						     Debhelper							  DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)

dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build SYNOPSIS
dh_auto_clean [buildsystemoptions] [debhelperoptions] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_auto_clean is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile and it contains a distclean, realclean, or clean target, then this is done by running make (or MAKE, if the environment variable is set). If there is a or Build.PL, it is run to clean the package. This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using dh_auto_clean at all, and just run make clean manually. OPTIONS
See "BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS" in debhelper(7) for a list of common build system selection and control options. -- params Pass params to the program that is run, after the parameters that dh_auto_clean usually passes. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)
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