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cpu(1) [plan9 man page]

CPU(1)							      General Commands Manual							    CPU(1)

cpu - connection to cpu server SYNOPSIS
cpu [ -h server ] [ -c cmd args ... ] DESCRIPTION
Cpu starts an rc(1) running on the server machine, or the machine named in the $cpu environment variable if there is no -h option. Rc's standard input, output, and error files will be /dev/cons in the name space where the cpu command was invoked. Normally, cpu is run in an 81/2(1) window on a terminal, so rc output goes to that window, and input comes from the keyboard when that window is current. Rc's cur- rent directory is the working directory of the cpu command itself. The name space for the new rc is an analogue of the name space where the cpu command was invoked: it is the same except for architecture- dependent bindings such as /bin and the use of fast paths to file servers, if available. If a -c argument is present, the remainder of the command line is executed by rc on the server, and then cpu exits. The name space is built by running /usr/$user/lib/profile with the root of the invoking name space bound to /mnt/term. The service envi- ronment variable is set to cpu; the cputype and objtype environment variables reflect the server's architecture. FILES
The name space of the terminal side of the cpu command is mounted on the CPU side on directory /mnt/term. SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/cpu.c SEE ALSO
rc(1), 81/2(1) BUGS
Binds and mounts done after the terminal lib/profile is run are not reflected in the new name space. CPU(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CPUSET(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 CPUSET(3)

cpuset_create, cpuset_destroy, cpuset_zero, cpuset_set, cpuset_clr, cpuset_isset, cpuset_size -- dynamic CPU sets SYNOPSIS
#include <sched.h> cpuset_t * cpuset_create(void); void cpuset_destroy(cpuset_t *set); void cpuset_zero(cpuset_t *set); int cpuset_set(cpuid_t cpu, cpuset_t *set); int cpuset_clr(cpuid_t cpu, cpuset_t *set); int cpuset_isset(cpuid_t cpu, const cpuset_t *set); size_t cpuset_size(const cpuset_t *set); DESCRIPTION
This section describes the functions used to create, set, use and destroy the dynamic CPU sets. This API can be used with the POSIX threads, see pthread(3) and affinity(3). The ID of the primary CPU in the system is 0. FUNCTIONS
cpuset_create() Allocates and initializes a clean CPU-set. Returns the pointer to the CPU-set, or NULL on failure. cpuset_destroy(set) Destroy the CPU-set specified by set. cpuset_zero(set) Makes the CPU-set specified by set clean, that is, memory is initialized to zero bytes, and none of the CPUs set. cpuset_set(cpu, set) Sets the CPU specified by cpu in set. Returns zero on success, and -1 if cpu is invalid. cpuset_clr(cpu, set) Clears the CPU specified by cpu in the CPU-set set. Returns zero on success, and -1 if cpu is invalid. cpuset_isset(cpu, set) Checks if CPU specified by cpu is set in the CPU-set set. Returns the positive number if set, zero if not set, and -1 if cpu is invalid. cpuset_size(set) Returns the size in bytes of CPU-set specified by set. SEE ALSO
affinity(3), pset(3), sched(3), schedctl(8), kcpuset(9) HISTORY
The dynamic CPU sets appeared in NetBSD 5.0. BSD
November 2, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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