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datetimezone.gettransitions(3) [php man page]


DateTimeZone::getTransitions - Returns all transitions for the timezone

       Object oriented style

public array DateTimeZone::getTransitions ([int $timestamp_begin], [int $timestamp_end]) DESCRIPTION
Procedural style array timezone_transitions_get (DateTimeZone $object, [int $timestamp_begin], [int $timestamp_end]) PARAMETERS
o $ object -Procedural style only: A DateTimeZone object returned by timezone_open(3) o $timestamp_begin - Begin timestamp. o $timestamp_end - End timestamp. RETURN VALUES
Returns numerically indexed array containing associative array with all transitions on success or FALSE on failure. CHANGELOG
+--------+---------------------------------------------------+ |Version | | | | | | | Description | | | | +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 5.3.0 | | | | | | | The optional $timestamp_begin and $timestamp_end | | | were added. | | | | +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ EXAMPLES
Example #1 A timezone_transitions_get(3) example <?php $timezone = new DateTimeZone("Europe/London"); $transitions = $timezone->getTransitions(); print_r(array_slice($transitions, 0, 3)); ?> The above example will output something similar to: Array ( [0] => Array ( [ts] => -9223372036854775808 [time] => -292277022657-01-27T08:29:52+0000 [offset] => 3600 [isdst] => 1 [abbr] => BST ) [1] => Array ( [ts] => -1691964000 [time] => 1916-05-21T02:00:00+0000 [offset] => 3600 [isdst] => 1 [abbr] => BST ) [2] => Array ( [ts] => -1680472800 [time] => 1916-10-01T02:00:00+0000 [offset] => 0 [isdst] => [abbr] => GMT ) ) PHP Documentation Group DATETIMEZONE.GETTRANSITIONS(3)

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IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone - Sets formatters timezone

	Object oriented style

public boolean IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone (mixed $zone) DESCRIPTION
Procedural style boolean datefmt_set_timezone (mixed $zone) Sets the timezone that will be used when formatting dates or times with this object. PARAMETERS
o $zone - The timezone to use for this formatter. This can be specified in the following forms: o NULL, in which case the default timezone will be used, as specified in the ini setting date.timezone or through the func- tion date_default_timezone_set(3) and as returned by date_default_timezone_get(3). o An IntlTimeZone, which will be used directly. o A DateTimeZone. Its identifier will be extracted and an ICU timezone object will be created; the timezone will be backed by ICUs database, not PHPs. o A string, which should be a valid ICU timezone identifier. See IntlTimeZone.createTimeZoneIDEnumeration(3). Raw offsets such as "GMT+08:30" are also accepted. RETURN VALUES
Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. EXAMPLES
Example #1 datefmt_set_timezone(3) examples <?php ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Amsterdam'); $formatter = IntlDateFormatter::create(NULL, NULL, NULL, "UTC"); $formatter->setTimeZone(NULL); echo "NULL ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), " "; $formatter->setTimeZone(IntlTimeZone::createTimeZone('Europe/Lisbon')); echo "IntlTimeZone ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), " "; $formatter->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); echo "DateTimeZone ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), " "; $formatter->setTimeZone('Europe/Rome'); echo "String ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), " "; $formatter->setTimeZone('GMT+00:30'); print_r($formatter->getTimeZone()); The above example will output: NULL Europe/Amsterdam IntlTimeZone Europe/Lisbon DateTimeZone Europe/Paris String Europe/Rome IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => GMT+00:30 [rawOffset] => 1800000 [currentOffset] => 1800000 ) SEE ALSO
IntlDateFormatter.getTimeZone(3). PHP Documentation Group DATEFMT_SET_TIMEZONE(3)
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