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cubrid_connect(3) [php man page]


cubrid_connect - Open a connection to a CUBRID Server

resource cubrid_connect (string $host, int $port, string $dbname, [string $userid], [string $passwd], [bool $new_link = false]) DESCRIPTION
The cubrid_connect(3) function is used to establish the environment for connecting to your server by using your server address, port num- ber, database name, user name, and password. If the user name and password is not given, then the "PUBLIC" connection will be made by default. PARAMETERS
o $host -Host name or IP address of CUBRID CAS server. o $port -Port number of CUBRID CAS server (BROKER_PORT configured in $CUBRID/conf/cubrid_broker.conf). o $dbname -Name of database. o $userid -User name for the database. If not given, the default value is "public". o $passwd -User password. If not given, the default value is "". o $new_link -If a second call is made to cubrid_connect(3) with the same arguments, no new connection will be established, but instead, the connection identifier of the already opened connection will be returned. The $new_link parameter modifies this behavior and makes cubrid_connect(3) always open a new connection, even if cubrid_connect(3) was called before with the same parameters. RETURN VALUES
Connection identifier, when process is successful. FALSE, when process is unsuccessful. EXAMPLES
Example #1 cubrid_connect(3) example <?php printf("%-30s %s ", "CUBRID PHP Version:", cubrid_version()); printf(" "); $conn = cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb", "dba"); if (!$conn) { die('Connect Error ('. cubrid_error_code() .')' . cubrid_error_msg()); } $db_params = cubrid_get_db_parameter($conn); while (list($param_name, $param_value) = each($db_params)) { printf("%-30s %s ", $param_name, $param_value); } printf(" "); $server_info = cubrid_get_server_info($conn); $client_info = cubrid_get_client_info(); printf("%-30s %s ", "Server Info:", $server_info); printf("%-30s %s ", "Client Info:", $client_info); printf(" "); $charset = cubrid_get_charset($conn); printf("%-30s %s ", "CUBRID Charset:", $charset); cubrid_disconnect($conn); ?> The above example will output: CUBRID PHP Version: PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL 3 LOCK_TIMEOUT -1 MAX_STRING_LENGTH 1073741823 PARAM_AUTO_COMMIT 1 Server Info: Client Info: 9.1.0 CUBRID Charset: iso8859-1 SEE ALSO
cubrid_pconnect(3), cubrid_connect_with_url(3), cubrid_pconnect_with_url(3), cubrid_disconnect(3), cubrid_close(3). PHP Documentation Group CUBRID_CONNECT(3)

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cubrid_set_db_parameter - Sets the CUBRID database parameters

bool cubrid_set_db_parameter (resource $conn_identifier, int $param_type, int $param_value) DESCRIPTION
The cubrid_set_db_parameter(3) function is used to set the CUBRID database parameters. It can set the following CUBRID database parame- ters: o PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL o PARAM_LOCK_TIMEOUT Note The auto-commit mode can be set by using cubrid_set_autocommit(3). PARAMETERS
o $conn_identifier - The CUBRID connection. If the connection identifier is not specified, the last link opened by cubrid_connect(3) is assumed. o $param_type -Database parameter type. o $param_value -Isolation level value (1-6) or lock timeout (in seconds) value. RETURN VALUES
TRUE on success. FALSE on failure. EXAMPLES
Example #1 cubrid_get_db_parameter(3) example <?php $conn = cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb", "dba"); $params = cubrid_get_db_parameter($conn); var_dump($params); cubrid_set_autocommit($conn, CUBRID_AUTOCOMMIT_TRUE); cubrid_set_db_parameter($conn, CUBRID_PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL, 2); $params_new = cubrid_get_db_parameter($conn); var_dump($params_new); cubrid_disconnect($conn); ?> The above example will output: array(4) { ["PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL"]=> int(3) ["PARAM_LOCK_TIMEOUT"]=> int(-1) ["PARAM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH"]=> int(1073741823) ["PARAM_AUTO_COMMIT"]=> int(0) } array(4) { ["PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL"]=> int(2) ["PARAM_LOCK_TIMEOUT"]=> int(-1) ["PARAM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH"]=> int(1073741823) ["PARAM_AUTO_COMMIT"]=> int(1) } SEE ALSO
cubrid_get_db_parameter(3), cubrid_set_autocommit(3). PHP Documentation Group CUBRID_SET_DB_PARAMETER(3)
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