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widget(n) [osx man page]

widget(n)							Megawidget package							 widget(n)


widget - Megawidget package SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require widget ?3.0? package require snit widget::validate as ?options? widget::calendar pathname ?options? widget::dateentry pathname ?options? widget::dialog pathname ?options? widget::menuentry pathname ?options? widget::panelframe pathname ?options? widget::ruler pathname ?options? widget::screenruler pathname ?options? widget::scrolledwindow pathname ?options? widget::statusbar pathname ?options? widget::superframe pathname ?options? widget::toolbar pathname ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides megawidgets based on the snit oo system (snidgets). It makes use of the Tile/Ttk themed widget set. widget::validate as ?options? commands: WIDGETS
widget::calendar pathname ?options? options: widget::dateentry pathname ?options? options: widget::dialog pathname ?options? options: widget::menuentry pathname ?options? options: widget::panelframe pathname ?options? options: widget::ruler pathname ?options? options: widget::screenruler pathname ?options? options: widget::scrolledwindow pathname ?options? options: widget::statusbar pathname ?options? options: widget::superframe pathname ?options? options: widget::toolbar pathname ?options? options: EXAMPLE
package require widget::superframe ; # or widget::all pack [widget::superframe .f -type separator -text "SuperFrame:"] KEYWORDS
megawidget, snit, widget widget 3.0 widget(n)

Check Out this Related Man Page

widget_toolbar(3tk)					    widget::toolbar Megawidget					       widget_toolbar(3tk)


widget_toolbar - widget::toolbar Megawidget SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require widget ?3.0? package require widget::toolbar ?1.0? widget::toolbar pathname ?options? getframe add ?item? ?args? delete item1 ?item2? ?...? itemcget symbol option itemconfigure symbol ?args? items ?pattern? remove ?-destroy? item1 ?item2? ?...? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a toolbar megawidget (snidget). It makes use of the Tile/Ttk themed widget set. widget::toolbar pathname ?options? getframe add ?item? ?args? delete item1 ?item2? ?...? itemcget symbol option itemconfigure symbol ?args? items ?pattern? remove ?-destroy? item1 ?item2? ?...? WIDGET OPTIONS
-ipad -pad -separator ITEM OPTIONS
-pad -separator -sticky -weight EXAMPLE
package require widget::toolbar ; # or widget::all set t [widget::toolbar .t] pack $t -fill x -expand 1 $t add button [button .b -text foo] $t add separator -pad {2 4} $t add button [button .c -text bar] KEYWORDS
megawidget, snit, widget widget 3.0 widget_toolbar(3tk)
Man Page

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