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systemd-random-seed.service(8) [osx man page]

SYSTEMD-RANDOM-SEED.SERVICE(8)				    systemd-random-seed.service 			    SYSTEMD-RANDOM-SEED.SERVICE(8)

systemd-random-seed.service, systemd-random-seed - Load and save the system random seed at boot and shutdown SYNOPSIS
systemd-random-seed.service /usr/lib/systemd/random-seed DESCRIPTION
systemd-random-seed.service is a service that restores the random seed of the system at early boot and saves it at shutdown. See random(4) for details. Saving/restoring the random seed across boots increases the amount of available entropy early at boot. On disk the random seed is stored in /var/lib/systemd/random-seed. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), random(4) systemd 237 SYSTEMD-RANDOM-SEED.SERVICE(8)

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SRAND(3)								 1								  SRAND(3)

srand - Seed the random number generator

void srand ([int $seed]) DESCRIPTION
Seeds the random number generator with $seed or with a random value if no $seed is given. Note As of PHP 4.2.0, there is no need to seed the random number generator with srand(3) or mt_srand(3) as this is now done automati- cally. PARAMETERS
o $seed - Optional seed value RETURN VALUES
No value is returned. CHANGELOG
+--------+---------------------------------------------------+ |Version | | | | | | | Description | | | | +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 4.2.0 | | | | | | | The $seed becomes optional and defaults to a | | | random value if omitted. | | | | +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ EXAMPLES
Example #1 srand(3) example <?php // seed with microseconds function make_seed() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); } srand(make_seed()); $randval = rand(); ?> SEE ALSO
rand(3), getrandmax(3), mt_srand(3). PHP Documentation Group SRAND(3)
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