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lpc(8) [osx man page]

lpc(8)								    Apple Inc.								    lpc(8)

lpc - line printer control program SYNOPSIS
lpc [ command [ parameter(s) ] ] DESCRIPTION
lpc provides limited control over printer and class queues provided by CUPS. It can also be used to query the state of queues. If no command is specified on the command-line, lpc will display a prompt and accept commands from the standard input. COMMANDS
The lpc program accepts a subset of commands accepted by the Berkeley lpc program of the same name: exit Exits the command interpreter. help [command] ? [command] Displays a short help message. quit Exits the command interpreter. status [queue] Displays the status of one or more printer or class queues. LIMITATIONS
Since lpc is geared towards the Berkeley printing system, it is impossible to use lpc to configure printer or class queues provided by CUPS. To configure printer or class queues you must use the lpadmin(8) command or another CUPS-compatible client with that functionality. COMPATIBILITY
The CUPS version of lpc does not implement all of the standard Berkeley or LPRng commands. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), cupsaccept(8), cupsenable(8), lp(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 3 November 2008 CUPS lpc(8)

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lpc(8)							      Easy Software Products							    lpc(8)

lpc - line printer control program SYNOPSIS
lpc [ command [ parameter(s) ] ] DESCRIPTION
lpc provides limited control over printer and class queues provided by CUPS. It can also be used to query the state of queues. If no command is specified on the command-line, lpc will display a prompt and accept commands from the standard input. COMMANDS
The lpc program accepts a subset of commands accepted by the Berkeley lpc program of the same name: exit Exits the command interpreter. help [command] Displays a short help message. quit Exits the command interpreter. status [queue] Displays the status of one or more printer or class queues. ? [command] Display a short help message. LIMITATIONS
Since lpc is geared towards the Berkeley printing system, it is impossible to use lpc to configure printer or class queues provided by CUPS. To configure printer or class queues you must use the lpadmin(8) command or another CUPS-compatible client with that functionality. COMPATIBILITY
The CUPS version of lpc does not implement all of the standard Berkeley commands. SEE ALSO
accept(8), cancel(1), disable(8), enable(8), lp(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), lpstat(1), reject(8), CUPS Software Administrators Manual, http://localhost:631/documentation.html COPYRIGHT
Copyright 1993-2002 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved. 22 September 1999 Common UNIX Printing System lpc(8)
Man Page

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