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cupsaccept(8) [osx man page]

cupsaccept(8)							    Apple Inc.							     cupsaccept(8)

cupsaccept/cupsreject - accept/reject jobs sent to a destination SYNOPSIS
cupsaccept [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] destination(s) cupsreject [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] [ -r reason ] destination(s) DESCRIPTION
cupsaccept instructs the printing system to accept print jobs to the specified destinations. cupsreject instructs the printing system to reject print jobs to the specified destinations. The -r option sets the reason for rejecting print jobs. If not specified the reason defaults to "Reason Unknown". OPTIONS
The following options are supported by both cupsaccept and cupsreject: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -U username Sets the username that is sent when connecting to the server. -h hostname[:port] Chooses an alternate server. -r "reason" Sets the reason string that is shown for a printer that is rejecting jobs. COMPATIBILITY
Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to contain any printable character except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#". Also, printer and class names are not case-sensitive. The CUPS versions of accept and reject may ask the user for an access password depending on the printing system configuration. This differs from the System V versions which require the root user to execute these commands. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), cupsenable(8), lp(1), lpadmin(8), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 12 February 2006 CUPS cupsaccept(8)

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cupsaccept(8)							    Apple Inc.							     cupsaccept(8)

cupsaccept/cupsreject - accept/reject jobs sent to a destination SYNOPSIS
cupsaccept [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] destination(s) cupsreject [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] [ -r reason ] destination(s) DESCRIPTION
cupsaccept instructs the printing system to accept print jobs to the specified destinations. cupsreject instructs the printing system to reject print jobs to the specified destinations. The -r option sets the reason for rejecting print jobs. If not specified the reason defaults to "Reason Unknown". OPTIONS
The following options are supported by both cupsaccept and cupsreject: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -U username Sets the username that is sent when connecting to the server. -h hostname[:port] Chooses an alternate server. -r "reason" Sets the reason string that is shown for a printer that is rejecting jobs. COMPATIBILITY
Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to contain any printable character except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#". Also, printer and class names are not case-sensitive. The CUPS versions of accept and reject may ask the user for an access password depending on the printing system configuration. This differs from the System V versions which require the root user to execute these commands. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), cupsenable(8), lp(1), lpadmin(8), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 12 February 2006 CUPS cupsaccept(8)
Man Page

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