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item_value(3x) [osx man page]

mitem_value(3X) 														   mitem_value(3X)

mitem_value - set and get menu item values SYNOPSIS
#include <menu.h> int set_item_value(ITEM *item, bool value); bool item_value(const ITEM *item); DESCRIPTION
If you turn off the menu option O_ONEVALUE (e.g., with set_menu_opts or menu_opts_off; see menu_opts(3X)), the menu becomes multi-valued; that is, more than one item may simultaneously be selected. In a multi_valued menu, you can used set_item_value to select the given menu item (second argument TRUE) or deselect it (second argument FALSE). RETURN VALUE
The function set_item_value returns one of the following: E_OK The routine succeeded. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error occurred (see errno). E_REQUEST_DENIED The menu driver could not process the request. SEE ALSO
curses(3X), menu(3X). NOTES
The header file <menu.h> automatically includes the header file <curses.h>. PORTABILITY
These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not supported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS
Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. mitem_value(3X)

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mitem_value(3X) 														   mitem_value(3X)

mitem_value - set and get menu item values SYNOPSIS
#include <menu.h> int set_item_value(ITEM *item, bool value); bool item_value(const ITEM *item); DESCRIPTION
If you turn off the menu option O_ONEVALUE (e.g., with set_menu_opts or menu_opts_off; see menu_opts(3X)), the menu becomes multi-valued; that is, more than one item may simultaneously be selected. In a multi_valued menu, you can used set_item_value to select the given menu item (second argument TRUE) or deselect it (second argument FALSE). RETURN VALUE
The function set_item_value returns one of the following: E_OK The routine succeeded. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error occurred (see errno). E_REQUEST_DENIED The menu driver could not process the request. SEE ALSO
curses(3X), menu(3X). NOTES
The header file <menu.h> automatically includes the header file <curses.h>. PORTABILITY
These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not supported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS
Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. mitem_value(3X)
Man Page

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