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encode::gsm03385.12(3pm) [osx man page]

Encode::GSM0338(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				      Encode::GSM0338(3pm)

Encode::GSM0338 -- ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding SYNOPSIS
use Encode qw/encode decode/; $gsm0338 = encode("gsm0338", $utf8); # loads Encode::GSM0338 implicitly $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338); # ditto DESCRIPTION
GSM0338 is for GSM handsets. Though it shares alphanumerals with ASCII, control character ranges and other parts are mapped very differently, mainly to store Greek characters. There are also escape sequences (starting with 0x1B) to cover e.g. the Euro sign. This was once handled by Encode::Bytes but because of all those unusual specifications, Encode 2.20 has relocated the support to this module. NOTES
Unlike most other encodings, the following aways croaks on error for any $chk that evaluates to true. $gsm0338 = encode("gsm0338", $utf8 $chk); $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338, $chk); So if you want to check the validity of the encoding, surround the expression with "eval {}" block as follows; eval { $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338, $chk); }; if ($@){ # handle exception here } BUGS
ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding itself. Mapping x00 to '@' causes too much pain everywhere. Its use of x1b (escape) is also very questionable. Because of those two, the code paging approach used use in ucm-based Encoding SOMETIMES fails so this module was written. SEE ALSO
Encode perl v5.12.5 2012-11-03 Encode::GSM0338(3pm)

Check Out this Related Man Page

Encode::GSM0338(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				      Encode::GSM0338(3pm)

Encode::GSM0338 -- ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding SYNOPSIS
use Encode qw/encode decode/; $gsm0338 = encode("gsm0338", $utf8); # loads Encode::GSM0338 implicitly $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338); # ditto DESCRIPTION
GSM0338 is for GSM handsets. Though it shares alphanumerals with ASCII, control character ranges and other parts are mapped very differently, mainly to store Greek characters. There are also escape sequences (starting with 0x1B) to cover e.g. the Euro sign. This was once handled by Encode::Bytes but because of all those unusual specifications, Encode 2.20 has relocated the support to this module. NOTES
Unlike most other encodings, the following aways croaks on error for any $chk that evaluates to true. $gsm0338 = encode("gsm0338", $utf8 $chk); $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338, $chk); So if you want to check the validity of the encoding, surround the expression with "eval {}" block as follows; eval { $utf8 = decode("gsm0338", $gsm0338, $chk); }; if ($@){ # handle exception here } BUGS
ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding itself. Mapping x00 to '@' causes too much pain everywhere. Its use of x1b (escape) is also very questionable. Because of those two, the code paging approach used use in ucm-based Encoding SOMETIMES fails so this module was written. SEE ALSO
Encode perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 Encode::GSM0338(3pm)
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