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xpc_dictionary_get_string(3) [osx man page]

xpc_dictionary_create(3)				   BSD Library Functions Manual 				  xpc_dictionary_create(3)

xpc_dictionary_create -- creation and management of XPC messages SYNOPSIS
#include <xpc/xpc.h> xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_create(const char * const *keys, const xpc_object_t *values, size_t count); xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_create_reply(xpc_object_t original); void xpc_dictionary_set_value(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, xpc_object_t value); xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_get_value(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); size_t xpc_dictionary_get_count(xpc_object_t dictionary); bool xpc_dictionary_apply(xpc_object_t dictionary, xpc_dictionary_applier_t applier); xpc_connection_t xpc_dictionary_get_remote_connection(xpc_object_t dictionary); void xpc_dictionary_set_bool(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, bool value); void xpc_dictionary_set_int64(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, int64_t value); void xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, uint64_t value); void xpc_dictionary_set_double(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, double value); void xpc_dictionary_set_date(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, int64_t value); void xpc_dictionary_set_data(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, const void *value, size_t length); void xpc_dictionary_set_string(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, const char *value); void xpc_dictionary_set_uuid(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, const uuid_t value); void xpc_dictionary_set_fd(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, int value); void xpc_dictionary_set_connection(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, xpc_connection_t connection); bool xpc_dictionary_get_bool(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); int64_t xpc_dictionary_get_int64(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); uint64_t xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); double xpc_dictionary_get_double(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); int64_t xpc_dictionary_get_date(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); const void * xpc_dictionary_get_data(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, size_t *length); const uint8_t * xpc_dictionary_get_uuid(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); const char * xpc_dictionary_get_string(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); int xpc_dictionary_dup_fd(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); xpc_connection_t xpc_dictionary_get_connection(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key); DICTIONARIES
XPC dictionaries are collections of XPC objects that map keys (expressed as C strings) to values. Objects of dictionary collection type are mutable and will automatically expand to accommodate new keys and values that are inserted into the dictionary. CREATION The xpc_dictionary_create() function returns a newly created dictionary. The caller may optionally provide corresponding C arrays of keys and values to initialize the dictionary. All values must be XPC objects and are automatically retained by the XPC framework as they are inserted into the dictionary. The count is used to specify the size of the C arrays. Both arrays must be of the same size. The behavior when count is greater than the number of elements in either of the C arrays is undefined. These arguments are optional and NULL may be passed to both keys and values with a count of zero, resulting in an empty dictionary. GETTING AND SETTING VALUES The xpc_dictionary_set_value() function may be used to insert or replace the value of a specified key in a dictionary. The XPC framework will retain a reference to the value while it is present in the dictionary, and will release the reference when it is removed. The value provided may be NULL, in which case the key will be removed from the dictionary. The value of a specific key in the dictionary may be retrieved using the xpc_dictionary_get_value() function. This function returns the value for the specified key if it exists or NULL if it does not. PRIMITIVE GET AND SET FUNCTIONS Various functions exist for retrieving primitive C and operating system types directly from a dictionary without the need for an intermediate boxed object. See xpc_object(3) for more information. ITERATION The xpc_dictionary_apply() function may be used to iterate the key and value pairs of a dictionary using an applier callback block. The call- back block is invoked for each pair and must return a bool indicating whether the iteration should continue (true if it should continue, false if it should not). The xpc_dictionary_apply() function will return true if the applier block was called for all pairs, or false if it was not (i.e. the applier returned false during the iteration). Note that the C language does not require an explicit return type to be declared for a block when the return expression is unambigous. There- fore the formal block declaration (void)xpc_dictionary_apply(dictionary, ^ bool (const char *key, xpc_object_t value) { // Do iteration. return true; }); may instead be written as follows (omitting the declared return type, and explicitly casting the return value to the desired type): (void)xpc_dictionary_apply(dictionary, ^(const char *key, xpc_object_t value) { // Do iteration. return (bool)true; }); Important: the behavior of modifying the contents of an XPC dictionary during iteration is undefined. DICTIONARIES AS MESSAGES
All messages sent and received by XPC connections are dictionaries. As a result, several functions are available to assist with the use of dictionaries as XPC messages. The xpc_dictionary_get_remote_connection() function may be used to return the underlying XPC connection through which a message was received. When a client sends a message using the xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(3) function, a specific reply message must be created with xpc_dictionary_create_reply(). This function returns a new dictionary which shares the underlying remote connection as the original message. A reply dictionary may be used the same as any other dictionary, but it must be sent to the connection returned by xpc_dictionary_get_remote_connection(), at which point the sender's reply block will be invoked when the reply message is received. DICTIONARIES AS ERRORS
Errors encountered by the XPC framework are delivered to the event handler of a connection as a dictionary of type XPC_TYPE_ERROR. See xpc_get_type(3) for more information about XPC object types. These error dictionaries may be directly compared against the following con- stants: o XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED o XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID o XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_TERMINATION_IMMINENT Important: these dictionaries are constant singletons and must not be modified. Error dictionaries contain a single XPC_ERROR_KEY_DESCRIPTION key. The value of this key is a string object which encapsulates a human-read- able description of the error condition. This value is guaranteed to be a string type and it is safe to use the xpc_dictionary_get_string() function directly to obtain a C string representation of the description. The contents of this string is intended for diagnostic use and is subject to change in future releases. Additional keys and values may be added to the error dictionaries over time. SEE ALSO
xpc_object(3), xpc_objects(3), xpc_connection_create(3), xpc_array_create(3) Darwin 1 July, 2011 Darwin
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