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moose::meta::role::application(3) [osx man page]

Moose::Meta::Role::Application(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			 Moose::Meta::Role::Application(3)

Moose::Meta::Role::Application - A base class for role application VERSION
version 2.0604 DESCRIPTION
This is the abstract base class for role applications. The API for this class and its subclasses still needs some consideration, and is intentionally not yet documented. METHODS new meta get_method_exclusions is_method_excluded get_method_aliases is_aliased_method is_method_aliased apply check_role_exclusions check_required_methods check_required_attributes apply_attributes apply_methods apply_method_modifiers apply_before_method_modifiers apply_after_method_modifiers apply_around_method_modifiers apply_override_method_modifiers BUGS
See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs. AUTHOR
Moose is maintained by the Moose Cabal, along with the help of many contributors. See "CABAL" in Moose and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Moose for details. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-09-19 Moose::Meta::Role::Application(3)

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Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		    Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required(3)

Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required - A Moose metaclass for required methods in Roles VERSION
version 2.0604 DESCRIPTION
"Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required" is a subclass of Class::MOP::Object. It is not a subclass of "Moose::Meta::Role::Method" since it does not provide an implementation of the method. METHODS
Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required->new(%options) This creates a new type constraint based on the provided %options: o name The method name. This is required. $method->name Returns the required method's name, as provided to the constructor. BUGS
See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs. AUTHOR
Moose is maintained by the Moose Cabal, along with the help of many contributors. See "CABAL" in Moose and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Moose for details. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-09-19 Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required(3)
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